Parking proposals for Glenvale raise anger

Parking on Glenvale Blvd

There is mail zinging around Leaside tonight about proposed parking restrictions on Glenvale Boulevard. Glenvale is that long straight street just south of the CNIB and the other health facilities. It stretches from Bayview Ave. to Brentiffe Rd. Traffic can then slide right down to the corner of Eglinton and Brentcliffe, focus of the LRT burrowing nightmare. One master e-mail tonight is from Paddy Duncan on behalf of the Leaside Property Owners Association (LPOA). The message is angry and it sounds like the LPOA is ready for a fight. The mail says the proposals come from John Parker (Ward 26) and range from no parking on the south side to no parking between 8 a.m. and 10 p;m. But there are a number of alternatives. As reported by Ms Duncan, they include: 

1. No parking on the south side 

2 No parking on the north side from 8 AM to 10 PM

3 One hour parking on the north side from 10 AM to 4 PM
4 No parking on the north side from 4 PM to 6 PM
5 One hour parking on the north side from 6 PM to 8 PM
6 Three hour maximum parking on the north side from 8 PM until the next day at 8 AM
Mr Parker is said to have called a meeting at Northlea United Church, 125 Brentcliffe, at 6.30 p.m.Thursday, March 27, 2014. Says Ms. Duncan: “We are not sure where the impetus for this improvement plan came from, but there is a group of Glenvale residents who are very upset about it and let us know what was afoot last night. They have written to Councillor Parker to indicate their concern and I’m attaching the letter. Some of you may have received it. [It] was distributed to about 40 households (lower end of the street numbers, I think  the author of the letter lives at 22)” 

We hope Bayview Bits and Bites can stay alive

The Rotary Club of Leaside has decided not to go forward with the well-attended Bits and Bites event of last year. “I was on the Committee organizing Bits and Bites and I have to say I think it was a success,” says Sue Byford Co-Publisher of The South Bayview Bulldog. “The street was busy, the food was good and there was an awful lot of fun to be had.” Click the picture and see some of the things we noted in last June’s post in the Bulldog. Bits and Bites had South Bayview bopping along we headlined. It’s true, the work fell heavily on the Chairman of the Committee, Peter Bennett, who worked enormously hard to make it happen. He deserves the thanks of every merchant and property owner on the street. His decision this year is understandable in the context of the burden on him. We get it and we’re sure every sensible resident of South Bayview gets it. Rotary made only modest money — maybe $2,000 — in terms of fundraising. But The Bulldog would like to make two points: God never promised the hard-working soldiers of community good work that there would be no apathy. Especially early in the season following a terrible winter. Apathy is maddening and foolish on the part of people who should know better, but it comes with the territory. Second, the Rotary Club might well be disappointed with the monies collected but Rotarians have a motto — Service Above Self.  Peter Bennett lives that motto and the community might reasonably hope the same spirit is alive throughout this great service club.

Poles uprooted on Eg for new westbound lane

It’s begun. The multi-year Crosstown LRT dig, shift and tunnel at Eglinton Ave.E and Brentcliffe Rd. has arrived. Next stop: Year 2020. In between, a daily helping of Holy Hell as businesses, residents and drivers figure out how to cope. Today saw crews moving utility poles on the north side of Eglinton further to the north. No room for pedestrians at all in this scenario. The space is for another lane of traffic westbound.  The big TV signals were on the scene today offering their regrets about your next few years in this neighborhood. They spoke to the well-patronized businesses on both sides of Brentcliffe Rd. As the video on the left shows, the line will be tunneled west from here to Yonge. The video shows the tunnel beginning at Laird but in fact that’s just the last station on the Leaside leg of the line (Mt. Pleasant, Bayview and Laird).  Trains will emerge and exit from the tunnel at Brentcliffe with the next eastbound being Leslie St.  Business people are shown speculating about what they will do.  The shops off  Brentcliffe can be approached from Vanderhoof.  Those who know how to access Vanderhoof from Beth Nealson should be able to pull a fairly quick end run to get to these places. But it’s not going to be any good as a plan to go east on Eglinton. Global News  Previous posts 

British study concludes jet crashed into the ocean

Here is a summary of important conclusions and questions established made today in the search for the Malaysian Airline Boeing 777 that disappeared more than two weeks ago went down in a remote corner of the ocean, “far from any possible landing sites.” Its last position: A British company calculated satellite data obtained from the remote area of the ocean where the search is ongoing, using analysis never before used in an aviation investigation of this kind, and pinpointed the last spot the flight was seen in the air was in the middle of the ocean west of Perth, Australia. No survivors: On the basis of this, the Malaysian prime minister left little doubt that all 239 crew and passengers had perished in the crash. Who and how: Malaysian authorities have not ruled out any possible explanation for what happened to the jet, but have said the evidence so far suggests it was deliberately turned back across Malaysia to the Strait of Malacca, with its communications systems disabled. They are unsure what happened next. Authorities are considering the possibilities including terrorism, sabotage, catastrophic mechanical failure or issues related to the mental health of the pilots or someone else on board. What’s floating in the ocean: The prime minister didn’t address whether investigators had confirmed floating objects in the ocean and images captured by several countries’ search parties, including that of France and China, were debris from the plane.

Medals, diplomatic passport stolen on Heath W.

Police report the theft of military medals, decorative plates, a diplomatic passport, a computer and other items during a break on Heath Street West during what appears to be a three-day-absence by the owner. They say entry was gained by forcing a door sometime between 2 p.m. on February 28, 2014 and 5 p.m. on March 2, 2014. Police also report a break-in on Sutherland Drive on March 21, 2014 between 10 a.m. and about 8.30 p.m.  Entry was gained to the premises by forcing a door. Removed were two computers, camera equipment, jewellery, watches and cash.

Man found dead in Millwood Rd. apartment

Residents report that the police call to the strip of stores at Millwood Rd. and Sutherland Drive over the weekend was prompted by the discovery of a man who apparently died in his second-floor apartment. There is no indication of whether the police are treating this death as a result of natural causes or more suspiciously. The forensic investigation personnel checked out the apartment Sunday. 

Best defense against “hatred” is an #ONpoli

THICK SKIN. It seems a terrible disservice to politics to suggest that Premier Redford was forced to resign because of misogyny. The news is full of opinion today that commits an excruciating torture on reality, treatment which happily Allison Redford never had to endure.  Someone in her party is said to have blurted that she was “not a nice lady.”  This sinister remark is offered up as evidence of hatred of women. That’s what misogyny means after all. Hatred.  But let’s talk politics. If it’s about anything, politics is about the growth of a thick skin. Ms Redford did not have to resign. Many find it rather crazy that she did. It reminds one a bit of Joe Clark’s sensitive feelings when he called a leadership convention to improve the 66 per cent support he got at a party meeting. Clark lost the following contest to Brian Mulroney. It was a mistake Mulroney never committed for all his self-pity. It seems beyond belief that the armour-plated soul of Kathleen Wynne would have been even slightly dented by the same complaints heard against Redford, a woman who won a resounding majority less than two years ago. Margaret Thatcher thought not once of resigning until she was told her party was about to un-elect her because it couldn’t win the next election. The lady (nice or otherwise) was not for turning. It isn’t a moment since reporters were whispering that the Senate fuss was just too much for Stephen Harper. He would have to quit. Yeah sure. Like #ban bossy, #silly misogyny should be consigned to the #boohoo bin.  Meantime, the Alberta PC caucus elected Dave Hancock, a five-term MLA as the new premier.