TD, CIBC to share Aeroplan on different cards

CIBC seems to have come out of the Aeroplan coup d’etat staged by TD Bank not too badly. Earlier this year it looked as if TD had taken the concept away from CIBC lock, stock and airline points. Now it appears an  arrangement to share the concept on their own cards has been worked out by the two banks with the owner of Aeroplan, Aimia Inc. This was a case the Big Guys deciding not to take on each other. You have to be a Little Guy to take on the Big Guys and there were no Little Guys in this deal. Canadian Press

“Killer ice chunks” falling downtown cops say

Yonge and Gerrard
Police say a 50-pound chunk of ice fell off a building in the vicinity of Yonge St and Granby Street north of Gerrard Street today. It apparently fell harmlessly but cops also say they have had a report of one person who received a serious head injury from falling ice. A 50 pound block of ice might measure a foot square and would certainly prove fatal if it struck a person on the head. Cristina Tengalia of CP24 said the closure of Yonge Street between Gerrard and College/Carlton is the result of ice falling from a crane atop a building on Yonge. As temperatures warmed up overnight, chunks of ice began to fall about 5.30 a.m. Some sheetss were said to be three-feet in length. Police say the street is now closed until at least 4 a.m. Sunday morning when conditions will be re-assessed. Meantime Toronto Hydro CEO Anthony Haines reports that the falling ice complicated the work of repair crews during the day. Despite this, the lineman are making progress. At latest report Saturday evening the number of those without power was down to about 16,000 or five percent of metred customers. Falling ice was less perilous but annoying in the treed neighborhoods of South Bayview where ice began rattling down onto roofs overnight. Some locations had a fairly steady drumming all night.  

11 injured in Highway 401 roll-over near Brockville

Eleven people were shaken up in the crash of several cars and a highway bus on the 401 eastbound near Brockville. It appears that a car lost control in snowy conditions and knocked down a utility pole. The bus, belonging to Switftrans Service Ltd. of Toronto, was caught in the following pile up and overturned. Passengers were taken to an emergency centre in Brockville. There were 49 people on the bus at the time of the crash. Twitter

Photo of royal family revealed in Queen’s address

The Queen’s annual address this year has featured some interesting behind the scenes video and this historic picture of four generations of the royal family. The Queen spoke with apparent satisfaction about how the birth of a baby allows people to think about the future with renewed “happiness and hope”. The traditional message to the nation featured behind-the-scenes footage taken at Clarence House of the royal family posing for the christening pictures under the direction of celebrity portrait photographer Jason Bell. The Christmas address is written by the Queen and usually has a strong religious framework, reflects current issues and draws on her own experiences over the past year. The speech is one of the rare occasions when she does not turn to the Government for advice but is able to voice her own views. The Queen’s traditional message was produced this year by the BBC and recorded in Buckingham Palace’s blue drawing room.

Premier talks of providing food to “vulnerable”

Premier Wynne is talking about a plan to somehow provide free food to those who have had spoilage in their refrigerators because of the ice storm. It is a bit vague but Ms. Wynne spoke of  “people who are vulnerable” saying her government has “reached out to food suppliers to try to come up with a way of compensating people and getting some extra food — or food vouchers, something to folks, so that’s what we’re working out over the next couple of days.”  The CBC said the province is expected to announce in the next 24 to 48 hours how the food distribution system will be organized for those facing a lack of food due to spoilage. There will be quite a good response it would seem to the idea of free food. There is no word if the free food will be advanced on the honour system. That is, anyone asking will be given food without a question. Nor is it clear if food banks will figure in this scheme.  

Hello to falling ice all-day and all-night

Toronto Hydro CEO Anthony Haines reports that the crashing and bumping of falling ice on the roof has actually made things worse, apart from keeping you awake most of the night. Even so, the number of those without power is now 23,000. The higher temperatures have been a slight relief from the bitter cold of recent days but it has left a lot of roads with a coating of ice chunks. The CBC reports that “amid the rising anger and frustration of those still in the dark, utility companies are pleading for patience, saying crews are working around the clock and nothing else can be done to speed up the process.” Later  post 

Envy, anger a bitter result of ice storm

Our post about how Scarborough resident Kclairmo suspects there is preferential Hydro treatment for Leaside has had responses ranging from resentful to dismissive. One Rolph Road man was indignant. He says Leaside is being taken advantage of by other parts of the city when it comes to paying for “modern schools, indoor swimming pools, community centres and covered rinks.”  We’re not sure just which places he’s thinking about but we see in his words the mirror image of  Kclairmo’s frustration and envy. It is hard to see how the privileged people of Leaside, whatever their personal means, could envy those elsewhere in the city. And in fact we in South Bayview are as well-treated as any when it comes to getting new facilities. The new arena required an enormous community fund-raising but it was voluntary. The money was loaned by the city at almost no cost. It should also be remembered that the wonderful new artificial turf field at Maurice Cody in next-door Davisville Village was bankrolled by residents, businesses and the city. Our hard-earned dollars make this facility all the more precious in our minds. So we do well to dismiss Kclairmo’s suspicions as born in frustration. Even now in Moore Park, some on Moore Ave, live in the cold and dark because their homes are one-off disconnects. They wait and worry. It is true many schools like Northern Secondary School, Hodgson Public, Rolph Road others need repairs. The TDSB certainly bears a lot of responsibility for more careful management of repair monies. It would be better if some property were sold off, as many recommend, and these fine schools and others brought back to first-class condition. But let’s count the blessing as well. 

Can ice storm chill out bad feelings about Mayor?

As the human hardship caused by this inhuman ice storm grips our attention, there is a second story unfolding inside the headline grabber. It is how Rob Ford is trying, and quite possibly succeeding, to rehabilitate his image across a city that absolutely had had enough of him.  It’s been an authoritative and newsy briefing (or more) a day for Mr. Ford, with highly visual visits to repair locales, beleaguered homeowners and warming centres. “Have you got blankets for them,” the mayor inquires as he strides into this venue recorded by CTV Toronto a couple of nights ago. Of course they had blankets. But this guy knows it counts that you thought about and most importantly said it. Out loud. And then we had the cot testing scene where the rotund chief magistrate had the wit to joke about his weight. Can all or any of this get Ford re-elected? We think that is doubtful. But we can be sure it helped in some quarters. “It’s an ill wind” as the saying has it.

Crestview Apartments power back on Dec. 26-27

David  Roe of Toronto Hydro has reported that the south side of Leacrest Road and notably the Crestview Apartments have been restored to full power. That was a full five-day ordeal for those people. The lights came on variously late Thursday night and early Friday morning, Mr Roe said. Remarkably, as many as 28,000 people in Toronto are without power The story of residents near Yonge and Sheppard is being told on CP24. For reasons not clear they are still without power.