North York Community Council meeting

North York Community Council is meeting today. This body makes recommendations to City Council from a large area of Toronto including East York, Leaside and points to the north and west. On today’s agenda there  are items of local interest.  One is the Request for a Leaside Area-Wide Traffic Survey. Also on the agenda is a late item about the demolition of properties for high-rise residential re-development at the northwest corner of Yonge and Strathgowan Ave. 

Granite Club plans to be heard at NY Council

The landmark Granite Club at 2350 Bayview Ave. will place plans for a large expansion in front of North York Community Council today (Tuesday, May 14, 2013). The expansion calls for a 24,500-square-foot recreational facility and bubble, a 4,015-square-foot maintenance building and 6,620-square-foot single-storey pavilion with roof viewing area.  The recreational facility could be used for four tennis courts or a soccer field, according to the planning information. Existing homes at 2374 and 2378 Bayview would be demolished while the house at 2382 Bayview would be retained. 

Thumbs up from Hadfield on Russian landing

Canada’s celebrity astronaut, Commander Chris Hadfield,  gives it a thumbs up as he is checked out after almost five months in orbit. In a unique and eventful tour of duty in the International Space Station, Hadfield revealed a complex and entertaining personality to the country — and to the world. From impromptu lessons on how to make peanut butter sandwiches to his plaintiff recording of David Bowie’s Ground Control to Major Tom, Hadfield, 53, became a household name in his native land.  His safe return tonight was executed in a crowded Soyuz capsule with two other astronauts,  American Tom Marshburn and Russian Roman Romanenko, crammed in there with him. Some have said Hadfield has the stuff of show business in him. Others see him as prime political candidate timber. We’ll see. Meantime, welcome back Chris. Well done. See and hear Hadfield’s Ground Control to Major Tom. 

Disbelief as Leafs lose 5-4 heartbreaker in OT

Maple Leaf Square is a Street of Broken Dreams tonight after the Maple Leafs stunning loss in Game 7 of their quarter final series with the Bruins. The impact of a squandered three goal lead left fans in disbelief. Many were seen crying. One was quoted as saying time stands still when your heart of broken. Having lost the lead, Toronto had to face the energized Bruins in overtime. It was too much. Seasoned sports reporters are calling it a choke loss. Six minutes into the OT it was all over. Reflectively the Leafs are being given credit for mounting the challenge they did.  CBC

Metrolinx flip flop flips on tunneling under Leslie

The Ontario agency charged with planning and overseeing the construction of transit, Metrolinx, has reversed itself a second time after complaints from the Leaside Property Owners Association. Metrolinx has now decided that the Scarboro Crosstown LRT will not be tunneled across the Don Valley and under the tributary that runs there. For cost reasons the underground route would have required the elimination of the Leslie St.. station. To build the station underground would have cost an additional $80 million. Now however, Metrolinx says the station will be built at surface level as ratepayers have demanded. In announcing this decision Metrolinx has apparently not mentioned a reason given to ratepayers at a public meeting in December as to why the line should go underground all the way to Don Mills. That concern stated unspecified issues with regard to the integrity of the foundation of the huge Scenic on Eglinton development on the south side of Eglunton Ave. E. if the tracks proceeded at ground level. Where this concern, if it was real,  has gone to is not known.  Previous post

Reporter and editor Peter Worthington dead at 86

The distinguished career of Peter Worthington has come to an end. His eventful life spanned service in the Princess Patricia’s Light Infantry during the Korean War to his eyewitness account of the killing of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby in a Dallas police station.  Mr. Worthington’s life and accomplishments are recorded in this obituary in the Toronto Sun.  He and his wife Yvonne were long-time residents of Moore Park and could frequently be seen walking through the Moore Park ravine and on the footbridge to Bennington Heights. Toronto Sun 

Killing frost forecast for tonight and Monday night

Unsettled Sunday

After a day of ice pellets and brilliant sunshine, Toronto faces an evening of potential killing frost. Those hardy enough to have planted their gardens had better cover the beds and if possible bring potted plants inside.  Environment Canada says below-zero temperatures will hit the region Sunday night as a cold air mass moves across the area. Windy conditions will mean that ice crystals forming on the ground will only be patchy, but plants could still be harmed as the ground temperature hits the freezing mark late in the evening or by midnight. Tomorrow skies are expected to clear but  Monday night is also expected to bring a severe frost that will kill any plants in the ground outside. Sensitive plants should either be brought indoors or covered up before Sunday evening when the frost is expected to hit. Picture shows the view north on Yonge St. from Davisville Ave. about noon Sunday revealing a sky that is ready to do anything. It had just dumped a three-minute rain and iice torrent. The day has seen brilliant sun and nasty wind whipped rain.

Star Trek re-make and commercial spin-offs

Some Star Trek fun in the form of a movie trailer (left) and a distinctly Vulcan Audi commercial (right). As to the movie premier, the film shows how the main characters Chris Pine (Capt Kirk) and Zachary Quinto (First Officer Spock) have been defined by the original players for all time right down to their physical appearances. It’s as if William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy were characters in real history when they warp-sped their way around the living-room TV tube universe.

Thundering wall of ice smashes Manitoba town

Click to see ice damage video

A speeding wall of ice has thundered across Lake Dauphin about 300 kilometres north of Winnipeg and smashed into a community of 20 cottages. Residents are stunned by the surprise occurrence and the damage that has been done. Many can hardly believe that tons of ice could have moved so quickly and arrived without any warning. The Deputy Reeve of Ochre Lake has told the CBC that many people were watching hockey in their living rooms when they felt the house shake and heard their decks splintering into junk. A woman recounts looking outside around dinner and seeing the ice wall coming rapidly at her home. She shouted to her husband to get out and followed him in making an escape. The CBC report linked here says locals recall this type of thing only once before in living memory — that was in the 1960s.  No one was injured in the ice onslaught. See video. 

Volunteers support LePage Shelter Sale Saturday

The many volunteers who support the Annual Shelter Foundation Garage Sale held by Royal LePage were up well before the birds Saturday morning.They had to unpack and display three PODS full of really excellent donations. These pictures were taken before 8 a.m. at the 1391 Bayview parking lot when there was still an exciting array of goods.