Public confidence shaken by 787 battery failures

Burned out lithium-ion battery
Public confidence has been badly shaken by revelations that the large lithium ion batteries which power 787 Dreamliner jets are dangerously unreliable. The damage has been done not just to Boeing aircraft and its new jetliner, but to a vast range of industry and government elements who are supposed to know what’s going on. In the case of the 787 batteries,  assurances that it was safe are now seen to be just plain wrong.  Further, no one seems to know how such an alarming misconception could have gotten started and been perpetuated even into the daily commercial service of these jets.   The top transportation safety official in the U.S. says that, among others, the Federal Aviation Administration accepted test results from Boeing in 2007 that failed to properly assess the risks of smoke or fire from the batteries. Deorah Hersman of the National Transportation Safety Board said that in a battery failure this year one of the eight cells had a short circuit and the fire spread to the rest of the cells. Boeing’s tests showed no indication that the new lithium-ion batteries could erupt in flames  Boeing wrongly concluded that the batteries  were likely to emit smoke less than once in every 10 million flight hours. Once the planes were placed in service the batteries overheated and emitted smoke twice in January and caused one fire, after about 50,000 hours of commercial flights. In effect all bets are off about the lithium-ion battery. Boeing has been given clearance to fly the 787 for test purposes but all other planes remain on the ground and airlines are being warned to expect delays in scheduled deliveries.

Boston weather babes gleefully predict the end

Column by Michael Graham of the Boston Herald where the Mayor has issued a edict requiring everyone to stay home: As I write this, I’m watching a network of weather babes gleefully announcing that we will all soon be crushed to death by an avalanche of unstoppable ice pouring down from the heavens. Perhaps they’ll be wrong, and the snow will miss Greater Boston. Or perhaps they are right and, as a Democratic congressman predicted for the island of Guam not long ago, Boston will be “capsized” beneath a mountain of snow. But either way — whether you’re reading this and mocking the pre-storm panic, or you’ve been forced to burn this paper as a heat source out of sheer desperation — I have one simple request. Shut the (bleep) up about the Blizzard of ’78.  Michael Graham

Bob Arsenault and Judy Anglin off to the Oscars

Congratulations to Leaside’s Bob Arsenault and his wife Judy Anglin who learned this week that they had won  tickets to the 85th Annual Academy Awards red carpet arrivals event to be held Sunday February 24, 2013 in Los Angeles. Bob and Judy entered an online lottery on a whim and have just been notified that they are among the select winners of a pair of tickets for bleacher seats along the red carpet.  Bob and Judy are well known along South Bayview, having lived here for 20 years. They are pictured (inset) in their usual jovial state of mind dining in Paris. Nice work guys.

Crescent Rd. gate post “a garbage can separator”

Someone went to a lot of trouble to  build new gate posts at the entrance to Rosedale on Crescent Road just east of the subway station. We won’t ask who paid, we think we know. But look, the presumably cultured residents on the north side of the street are using the gate pillar to create a nice separator between their blue and their green bins. Poo. Bet if we had pillars like that we wouldn’t clutter them up with garbage cans. No way. Yonge and Roxborough News

Her secret: “He always had his hand on my knee”

Delightful people, John and Ann Betar are the longest married couple in the U.S. They’re from Connecticut and have been wed these 80 years. Mr. and Mrs Betar are very alert at 101 and 97. Mrs Betar has a couple of  good lines in the video which can been seen here. As to the secret of their long marriage she quips   “He always had his hand on my knee” and  “We eloped to Madison New York. We didn’t have enough money to go any further.” 

Ward 31 skating party set for this Sunday

Janet Davis (Ward 31 Beaches-East York) will hold her 10th Annual Skating Party on Sunday, February 10 between 11:30 am. and 1:30 pm. at East York Memorial Arena, 888 Cosburn Ave. As usual, there will be cookies, face painting and a craft table for kids. Children under 6 must wear a helmet on the ice. You can get information at 416-392-4035 or write to Ms Davis at

Citroën Stand at Rétromobile 2013 Motor Show

Take a moment to dream about these Citroen beauties from the past at the Paris Retromobile Motor Show going on just now. This exhibit and others reminds us of the European appreciation of the cabriolet model, not seen anymore among American automakers. On South Bayview there are few cabriolets to be seen except of course for all the German ones. Even Ford and GM (through Opel) make cabriolets in Europe but they are not to be seen on this side of the Atlantic. 

B to B Maternity will open at 1643 Bayview Ave.

A new business known as B to B Maternity will open in April at the former Oddjects store at 1643 Bayview Ave. It appears to be a re-sale shop of maternity clothes to be sold at reduced prices.  A Facebook posting describes B to B as the idea of  a ” Mom of almost two!!”  It says the firm is buying inventory to open in April 2013. Anyone who wants cash for something they don’t need anymore is asked to call (416) 932-9522 or email The owner says she is “looking forward to offering a maternity experience of the boutiques at only a fraction of the price.” It will not be missed on local shoppers that the location of 1643 is directly across the street from Moms-to-be-and-more at the corner of Manor Rd and Bayview Ave.

HS principals plan Prom dances without teachers

High schools within the Toronto and District School Board (TDSB) have been quietly collaborating with each other to make sure that annual Spring Prom dances are held for this year’s classes. At a meeting of the TDSB tonight it became clear that no motion from the board would be necessary to direct or authorize this scheme because it was already underway with with the authority of the  school principals. 

We may get 10 to 15 cm of snow by Friday

Tomorrow and Friday will see snowfall that could accumulate to between 10 and 15 cm around our South Bayview homes. It will begin tomorrow and should make for a poor drive home home and things are predicted to be perfectly wretched by Friday morning. It appears however that Saturday will be bright and sunny and there will be rising temperatures through the early part of next week to help clear the mess. 

U.S. Post Office to end Saturday letter delivery

The U.S. Post Office will end Saturday service in August in an attempt to save nearly $2 billion and set the service on a profitable footing. The Postal Service is semi-independent but ultimately controlled by Congress which has failed to take action to permit the post office to function in the black. Commentators say they aren’t sure how the Postal Service is able to say it will stop Saturday mail delivery without express approval from the Congress. Congress is typically dysfunctional when the government is split between political parties. Among the issues is the low cost of first class mail in the U.S. now set at 46 cents, as opposed to over 60 cents in Canada. Canada eliminated Saturday delivery more than a decade ago.