Plan to demolish 308 Rose Park Drive

Neighbors in the vicinity of 308 Rose Park Drive in Moore Park have received notices of an application to demolish the original stone tudor-style home and construct two town houses. The plan as set out so for calls for each home to have a single car garage. Realty records indicate that sale of the home is conditional on approval of the plan and the price agreed upon has not been published because of that.  The home was listed for $2,495,000 in September. It sits on a lot that is 68 feet wide.  No 308 Rose Park dates from the 1920s and is one of only a few architect designed homes on the street, all on the north side.

Metro, Mac’s and Rexall-Pharma Plus

Metro, the gigantic grocery store chain with serious acreage at the northwest corner of Eglinton Ave. E. and Bayivew Ave., has just sold half of its 22 per cent ownership in the Couche Tard convenience store empire, also out of Montreal. You know Couche Tard (it means Night Owl) by its most famous Ontario name, Mac’s. Around here, Metro and Mac’s (in the Sunnybrook Plaza) look at each other across Bayview Ave.  Now analysts at Credit Suisse say it might be a good idea if Metro took some of the after-tax $416 million it will get from the Couche Tard sale and buy the Rexall-Pharma Plus group in  Canada. There is a Pharma Plus outlet in the Sunnybrook Plaza as well and another down by the Loblaw on Moore Ave near Bayview and on Mt. Pleasant north of Soudan. It all makes interesting reading in the Financial Post.

Public, TTC showing good sense on stroller issue

Until groups of mothers start conspiring to clog the TTC with convoys of baby strollers everyone should really stand down on this issue. We call it an issue but it seems like a rather petty, mean-minded complaint. To be sure, from time to time, some riders will be inconvenienced by strollers. Fortunately, TTC boss Andy Byford is  a source of good judgment here. Operators should use their discretion and so should passengers. It isn’t an abuse of the TTC for a woman to take her child and stroller on a bus or streetcar. It seems most people agree. What a complaining lot some have become. 

Spoken like a lady running for mayor

Karen Stintz

Spoken like a woman who could well be running for mayor. Karen Stintz  (Toronto Ward 16) took a few pokes at Mayor Ford tonight during a “political panel discussion” of murky purpose down in Little Italy. It was organized by George Smithrman, known to all, and who tonight had to insist he (at least) is not running for mayor. Ms Stintz, known around here as the Lady from Lawrence Park, (and TTC chair) said Ford required a  “stronger” agenda for the  second half of his term. Ms Stintz credited Ford with achieving much of his 2010 goals and demonstrating “real leadership” on fiscal responsibility. But she said he had also created what she called noisy issues that had been detrimental. Spoken like a lady running for mayor. 

Downtown Toronto population mushrooming

Francis Fong
A report from TD Economics says the growth trend in the suburbs over downtown Toronto has  achieved a “substantial turning point”. It has been occurring over a period of perhaps five years in which younger adults have opted for downtown life over less expensive and more spacious properties in the suburbs. The author of the report, Francis Fong, notes that the  pace of population growth has tripled since the previous three census periods and — for the first time in decades — outpaced the suburbs. Fong is quoted by CTV as saying: “I feel like we’ve hit critical mass and now we’re sort of on our way to becoming a city like New York or London. “We’re on our way; we’re not there yet.” 

We endure the longest rush hour this winter

This is the view looking east from Bessborough along Moore Ave. toward Southvale Dr. It’s easy to see why rush hour lasted into the ten o’clock hour today. Remarkably, the Weather Channel is predicting not only a clearing but maybe even a glimpse of sun later today. No promises. Around South Bayview the roads were clogged and service stations were particularly busy. The Imperial Esso station at Merton St. and Mt. Pleasant Rd. was so crowded that cars were turning away. 

Rathnelly residents meeting tomorrow night

The Republic of Rathnelly is quite fictional but somehow very real in the minds of those who live there. It is a bit afield of South Bayview but a charming place. Josh Matlow (Toronto Ward 22) notes that the Rathnelly Republicans,  otherwise known as the Rathnelly Area Residents Association, (RARA)  are invited to a meeting tomorrow night (Wednesday, January 23, 2013) for information and consultation on issues such as  the repair or replacement of the mural on the MacPherson Street railway overpass.   Also on the agenda, beautification of the area in front of the parking lot on MacPherson and  keeping the Pump Park a convivial meeting place for all residents. The meeting is at  7 pm at Huron Public School, 57 Huron Street. 

Ray White takes over as arena management chair

Ray White

Ray White, a hockey lover who has coached the game for 17 years,  has been appointed chair of the Leaside Memorial Community Gardens Board of Management. He replaces the hard-working Brooke Biscoe.  In a first of no doubt many updates, Mr White is stressing unfinished fundraising for the arena expansion. In that regard, he reminds all of us about the 4th Annual Laugh out Loud in Leaside event on Friday, February 22, 2013 at the Fantasy Farm Banquet Hall on Pottery Road beginning at 7.30 p.m.  Mr. White thanked Brooke Biscoe who shouldered the job from January 1st 2010 until the end of 2012. Ray White said: “It was during this time that the Arena Expansion Project went from the dream of the community to the concrete and steel reality that is now rapidly taking shape beside the original rink. Brooke has put in countless hours during this time meeting with municipal officials, potential donors, architects, contractors and community members in a determined pursuit of building the second rink.”    Updating the arena expansion, Mr White said the community fundraising goal of $3.5 million is within reach but there is still just under $400,000  to raise between now and the summer. Donations in any amount will be gratefully received. There are a number of naming opportunities for those who may be considering a major gift, Mr White said. “As you may know, when the expanded Leaside Gardens opens in the fall, the original rink will thereafter be known as the Bert F. Grant rink in recognition of the major legacy gift made by his three children in his honour. The second rink has not yet been named. If you would like to have this new rink named for your company or in honour of a family member, please contact me or a member of the fundraising committee.”   Contact Ray White at
Earlier post regarding fundraising events. 

City committee approves electronic bingo devices

A frequently asked question among friends of South Bayview is: What does this street really need? One very outside-the-box idea is a modern electronic bingo hall. We know, it’s Dollarama redux. Hey, the place seems busy. And we’re not recommending it but you may have noticed that Toronto’s government management committee has endorsed the use of electronic devices at local bingo halls to turn around a declining business and lure more and younger players. We’re just saying you have to keep an open mind because we guarantee you that Southeby’s International is not going to open bidding on any Renoirs here very soon, silly them. Paul Moloney

Slaight family gives $50 million to cancer research

This morning has seen an extraordinarily generous act of philanthropy by the Allan Slaight family of Toronto. Mr Slaight’s wife, Emmanuelle Gattuso, was present at a news conference held by the Princess Margaret Hospital to announce a gift of $50 million dollars. The money will go to bulk up the $50 Billion Challenge issued by the hospital recently. Ms Gattuso is a patient at the Princess Margaret Hospital.  She is seen in the inset pictures taken from CP24.