GTA luxury car thieves plead guilty

 Andrzej Zalewski, 34
Two members of a well-oiled auto theft scheme in the GTA have pleaded guilty in Newmarket court to many counts of break and enter, theft of cars and possession of 99 keys to stolen cars. One trademark of the team was to break into homes, even while the residents were at home asleep, and steal cars keys which they would later use to steal the car. It’s another wake-up call that the theft of keys cannot be ignored because thieves have a way of coming week weeks, even months later to steal the vehicle.  Andrzej Zalewski, 34, and accomplice Damian Kaleta, 29, will be sentenced later 

Breakfast TV live on South Bayview this Monday

Those who saw the CityNews live truck on South Bayview this morning will be interested to know that it was here to do a survey for a live shot into Breakfast Television. Bonnie Goldmacher tells the The South Bayview Bulldog that the live broadcast will take place Monday, January 14, 2013 at the new Fitwall fitness studio at 1675 Bayview. For those who don’t know, the company is just established in Canada and it intends to add franchises over time.  Watch for it. Website.

Century of wedding dreams in Homefront window

Homefront’s Wedding Registry window contains a century of wedding dreams. It features a gorgeous heirloom bridal gown which was designed by 1950s Manhattan couturier Eleanora Garnett. The gown was presented to the first bride in 1958. I was that first bride. It’s made of oyster coloured duchess satin and originally had a mandarin collar and wide obi front sash. It was worn in that design by the first three brides and the fourth redesigned the neckline and sash which you see today. The gown is 54 years old and still a classic. Now for a story more than a 100 years old. The veil displayed in our Homefront window is made of silk tulle and embroidered with brussels and rose point lace. It was purchased shortly after 1900 by my grandmother when my mother was just an infant. It was to be worn by my mother at her wedding, and in 1929 it was (upper right). The outdoor wedding took place in September and she walked down a spruce pathway and was married in a pine grove serenaded by madrigal singers. Centre right we see the veil worn by a wartime bride with her RCAF groom. This lady lives today at 97 to recall her fond memories. At the bottom right is a photograph of me wearing the veil.  In all, the veil has been worn by 10 brides and each time it looked different as  different headpieces were used. Today the gown and veil belong to no one bride as they have sailed into history and have become heirloom classics Trish Stuebing, President, Homefront.  Homefront is at 371 Eglinton Ave. West (416) 488-3189 

Move to clean up graffiti on Mt. Pleasant overpass

Councilor Jaye Robinson of Ward 25 (which includes Lawrence Park) has written in the Post Magazine about a project to clean up graffiti on the overpass that carries Mt Pleasant Road over Blythwood Ravine Park between Blythwood Rd and Glengowan Rd.  The stretches of land below the overpass are popular with residents for exercising the dog or just walking. Apparently a local resident has offered to replace the graffiti.  The graffiti has been removed and a the artist has painted large picture frames in its place. The Councillor is asking for feedback and says that if the project be deemed unsuccessful for whatever reason, it will be removed. She asks that if you  happen to be in the park in the coming weeks, to let her know what you think about this pilot project by sending email  to, or calling 416-395-6408.

Wood you wear it? Plank faces stun fashion show

Bizarre hats made out of wooden planks, models with ‘blacked out’ faces, and some ankle swinging sportswear were among some of the truly outlandish designs which kicked off Men’s fashion week. As models dressed in outlandish outfits stalked the catwalk, British Fashion Council member David Gandy said he wants to make London the menswear capital of the world. The lesser-known men’s fashion week, sponsored by Topman, sees 60 menswear designers showcase their wares for autumn/winter 2013 over three days in the city in front of assembled press and buyers from over 45 countries. Mailonline

Judges to deliberate on Ford appeal

Three Divisional Court judges will spend a week or ten days considering their decision on whether Mayor Ford should be re-instated as Toronto’s Chief Magistrate. Key to their finding will a determination of the argument of Ford’s counsel Alan Lenczner that city counsel had no authority to require the Mayor to re-pay some $3,100 he solicited for a kids sports charity using certain resources of his office. The court panel is  comprised of f Regional Senior Justice Edward Then, Justice Lynne Leitch, and Justice Katherine Swinton. CP24

“Council had no authority to make mayor pay”

Is it possible that there was no authority in law to remove Mayor Ford from office? That is what his lawyer Alan Lenzcner will argue.  City council acted outside its jurisdiction when it ordered Mr. Ford to repay the money, therefore rendering all actions after it “a nullity”, according to counsel It’s unlikely there will be any decision from the Divisional Court panel today after today’s hearing at Osgoode Hall.  National Post 

National map shows severity of influenza activity

For flu sufferers across South Bayview there is little comfort in the knowledge that this season’s flu shot seems to have been a pretty good match for the strain that is currently infecting so many Canadians. The shot is no guarantee against getting the flu, but it’s a solid defense. Here in Toronto the activity level of the influenza outbreak is described by the Public Health Agency of Canada at “localized”. That’s the most common status as the country deals with one of the worst outbreaks in years. In all provinces there were  between 3,500 and 4,000 confirmed cases as the New Year began. The Health Canada map above shows the most severe areas of the outbreak in dark blue (widespread) in areas of Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec, Western Newfoundland and Central and Southern Alberta.  

Sonia Day to speak to the Leaside Garden Society

Linda Wickland of the Leaside Garden Society has kindly sent along information on the society’s meeting next Thursday where well-known gardening authority Sonia Day will speak. Meetings of the society are held in the community room of Leaside Library, 165 McRae Drive. The date and time: Thursday., January 10th at 7:30 p.m. There will be refreshments offered at 7:00 p.m. Sonia Day will do a presentation on Incredible Edibles — fun things to grow in a city garden. Visitors and new members are welcome. Memberships: single $25 or family $30. (18 years +). Ms Days website is 

Repro-Victorian house has “Victorian garage”

Re-visiting the corner of Laird Drive and Broadway Ave. to check on the progress of the “Victorian” home being built there is a lot of fun. The brick and stone work is all in place and so are the leaded windows. They add a very elegant feeling. But it is the corner watch tower that offers a commanding view on the northeast corner of the home that is so strongly reminiscent of the 19th Century. Wait. Around back is a Victorian garage with a round window over the door (inset). Well, they didn’t have garages in the 19th century but this is what they might have looked like if there had been any.  The further progress of this property will be interesting to watch. 

One year later, Airdrie Road is quiet

Lise Lebitka

A year later, life goes on along quiet Airdrie Road, just west of Laird Drive. The row of semi-detached houses on the east side of the tree-lined street are all occupied, including the one in which Lise Lebitka lost her life on New Year’s Day 2012. The brick semis that sit between Lea Ave. and Heath Street E  are in contrast to the higher-scale semi-detached homes on the west side and a noticeable contrast to the many well-maintained middle class single families homes to see going either direction on Airdrie. Neighbors say there isn’t too much talk about the fateful events of that day. One woman recalled conversation occasionally turns to just when her boyfriend, Paul Hindle, will stand trial for Lise’s death. Some of the neighbors were friendly with the attractive 45-year-old mother of three. After her death, the stories about her relationship with Mr. Hindle suggested that she hoped to change him. In the days following Hindle’s arrest, neighbors began a blue ribbon campaign that saw many trees on the street decorated with this symbol of remembrance. There’s nothing like that to be seen today. 

Shark fin seizures as woman feigns soup tantrum

Two interesting videos in light of City Council’s determination to have a municipal ban on shark fin soup. The City Solicitor has filed a notice of intent to appeal a court decision last month ruling the city’s ban on shark fins was illegal.  Council must decide if all this effort is worth it but  Scarborough Centre Councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker has said that support among councillors for banning the fins remains strong. Above, on the left,  a woman renders a bravura performance as she throws what is said to be mock tantrum when denied a bowl of shark fin soup because of environmental concerns. You decide, if you can, just how real this is. On the right, is a video from the BBC reporting on seizures in Hong Kong of both ivory and shark fins. Well reported.