Storm can’t stop Pam from carving her pumpkin

Amid the consternation and sheer hard work of dealing with Storm Sandy there are clear signs that South Bayview is quite all right. One of those signs is the sight of Pam, a resident of Manor Road near Cleveland, who, with her husband, annually gets in the car and heads out to a farm to buy some really big pumpkins. Then Pam begins her  talented labour or love which we see underway here. “Our kids are grown up, but I still get the neighborhood kids asking me when my pumpkin will be finished,” Pam told the South Bayview Bulldog. So once again this year, Pam is producing a wonderful 200-pound Jack O’Lantern for all the children to enjoy. Carving a pumpkin for other people’s kids. Pam, you are the Heart and Soul of South Bayview.

Apple Maps fiasco claims iPhone vice president

Scott Forstall

The head of Apple’s iPhone and IPad Software Department has been fired for the embarrassing failure of the Apple Map Project. Scott Forstall, who has been with Apple since 1997, was let go this week after the September debacle related to Apple’s feud with Google over Android. The company kicked Google off its devices and tried to replace the mapping function with its own. It didn’t work. In the end, Apple was forced into a humiliating retreat and apology in which it advised iPhone and iPad users to go to Google where it they could to access maps.  Forstall’s responsibilities will be divided among other Apple veterans such as Jony Ives, Eddy Cue, and Craig Federighi.

Hydro says about 30,000 now without power

The force of the winds smacking Toronto last night is seen in this fallen Red Oak, a tree with huge roots said to be 100 years. The couple living in the badly damaged house were asleep at 1 am on Neville Park Blvd. when the tree toppled onto their home. They escaped unhurt. Picture from embed CBC video   Toronto Hydro has issued its No 7 Update of Storm Sandy indicating that work goes on by daylight to restore power fully. Here is part of the Hydro update: “With the help of daylight, crews are working to remove safety hazards associated with downed wires and trees, conducting full damage assessments, coordinating extensive repairs, and are restoring power where possible. We have over 300 outages affecting approximately 32,000 customers to respond to and crews are being assigned. All planned work has been stopped and all available crews are dedicated to power restoration efforts. The damage was most severe at 4 a.m. this morning. We have reduced the number of customers affected from more than 60,000 down to 32,000 currently.”

5 am. bulletin says about 55,000 without power

Toronto Hydro’s Update  No. 6 since the onslaught of Sandy was issued at 5 a.m. and reported that approximately 55,000 customers were without power. “Crews are preparing for a busy day of restoration. The outage count will fluctuate over the next few hours as customers wake to discover they are without power. Toronto Hydro will have a better damage assessment once our morning crews are in the field”” the report said. From what can be read, there were no reports of major disruptions. Sporadic power outages occurred in Moore Park and parts of Davisville and  neighborhoods north of Eglinton Ave. E. It appears as if power has been restored.  Some homeowners found window screens and other small parts blown off. It is time for a check of the shingles.  

Shocking aberration of Toronto after dark

We are given a glimpse of what can go wrong during a weekend night out by young people in downtown Toronto. This fracas occurred  around 3 am. Saturday at the Pho Xe Lua Restaurant on Spadina Rd. (It’s also known as Train). Someone shot video and loaded it to YouTube where it has accumulated more than 300,000 plays so far. It appears as if it might have begun with a couple of young women fighting over seating and it isn’t pretty. But before it is over two or three very belligerent men keep the fight going. A server trying to separate the women takes a plate on her head. She seemed to be okay. All very unfortunate as dozens of patrons treat the fight as entertainment, cheering and hooting as it progresses. Happily not a typical night out at a restaurant in Toronto

Holt Renfrew to open discount chain “hr2”

Holt Renfrew has announced it is going to open a new stand-alone line of “discount” stores that will carry “high fashion” to new consumers.  It is said the stores will be between 25,000 and 30,000 square feet, smaller than traditional Holt Renfrew locations and designed in a more open concept style (i.e. one big room like Winners). Most current Holt Renfrew stores are between 60,000 and 80,000 square feet.  Sounds like something we might see popping up “east of Laird.” Some little friends for Winners, Marhsalls and the rest of gang. Then there’s the Nordstrom’s factor. The big super service departrent store is going into Sherway Plaza and other Canadian locations. 

New flu vaccine statements today

Here is a Canadian Press story quoting Health Canada and the vaccine maker Novartis essentially trying to allay concern that two of the firm’s vaccines have been suspended from use. The discovery of clumps of viral proteins is not unusual, they say. The company says those who have received the vaccine are not at risk and that Novartis is confident the vaccines are safe. All of this is no doubt true. But it does beg the question of why it is necessary to suspend their use.  CP story