Health Canada fails to explain “viral proteins”

Health Canada should dig down and find some decent answers for those who have already taken flu shots this season. Its decision to ban the use of  flu vaccines from the Italian plants of the firm Novartis offers no information as to what is going on. It’s said that the vaccines, FluAd and Agriflu, contained clumps of viral proteins in some of the vaccine batches. Yes.  And what?  So far it seems Health Canada doesn’t think there is an “And what?”  We understand that the government doesn’t want to undermine the flu vaccine program. But as public information goes, this is about as unsatisfactory as it gets. “We’re cancelling a bunch of flu vaccine because some of it has this funny stuff in it. See ya later.” Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Arlene King says the provincial flu program is safe, but she doesn’t have anything specific to say either. There are other vaccines, she says. Well, that’s great. What about the people who got the potentially funny stuff? To recall a vaccine without telling those who got it exactly what they should, or should not, expect is like trying to defy gravity. Now the drug firm itself has said in a statement that  more than one million doses of its flu vaccines have been administered in Europe this season and no unexpected adverse events have been reported. That’s nice to hear. But it’s still  doesn’t address the reasonable questions the public might have about “clumps of viral proteins.”

Lower Manhattan evacuated as Sandy hits shore

The mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, has ordered a mandatory evacuation of parts of the city in anticipation of Hurricane Sandy. Mr Bloomberg said, “let me stress that we are ordering this evacuation for the safety of the approximately 375,000 people who live in these areas. “If you live in these areas, you should leave them this afternoon.” The areas affected are labelled ‘Zone A’ areas and include all low lying coastal areas, including lower Manhattan and the part of the Financial District. Meanwhile, the governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, announced the suspension of New York City’s bus, subway and commuter rail service at 7:00pm this evening. The Telegraph UK

Toronto denies Winter Fair’s Tuesday bull run

Toronto has denied the trumpeted plan by the Royal Winter Fair organizers to have a bull run on Bay Street next Tuesday. Somehow, it all seems so predictable. The Toronto Sun reports the City has said no to two permits requested by the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair for a Bulls on Bay Street Kick-off to the 90th Royal.  Rather slipshod for the Royal to announce this event without even knowing that it would be permitted. 

Lone Ranger the 21st Century’s first big Western


It’s the movie whose opening keeps on getting postponed mostly because of budget fixes. Bit it now it seems likely that we will see one of the 21 century’s first western movies next summer. It’s The Lone Ranger starring Armie Hammer at the Masked Man and Johnny Depp as his faithful sidekick Tonto. This trailer has been out a couple of weeks and the action does commend a look. Depp of course is 49 years old and it has been suggested that his relationship with Hammer is more like an uncle than a friend. But the film makers are sticking to the line that Tonto is the assistant not the boss. Depp is portrayed in some apparently amazing stunts — which may be rigged — but are very entertaining  Click the picture of him wrestling with the coupler of speeding train cars to see the trailer. The film is produced by Jerry Bruckheimer and directed by Gore Verbinski

Some things don’t change at Eglinton and Petman


Oh sure, 82 years can change a lot of things in a  City like Toronto, but much can remain the same. And so it is at the corner of Eglinton Ave. E. and Petman Ave. where, looking south south east, we find the original building (left) still there and still doing business similar to Mac’s.  Mr. Button’s place was a 1930s sort of convenience store. The sign reads “Candy, Ice Cream, Cigarettes, Tobacco”.  The vacant lot of then is a parking lot of today and down Petman on the east side can be seen the well cared for home known as 81 Petman. The barn behind it is gone however. What a surprise.  

Rain, wind for South Bayview on Mon and Tues

South Bayview and all of Toronto stand to see a lot of rain this coming week as the so-called Tropical Mega Storm  Sandy makes its way inland.  The Weather Channel is forecasting 15-20 mm of rain Sunday and another 40-50 mm on Monday. Altogether, Monday and Tuesday will be days to take care. Sandy is  expected to bring gusty winds which might hit 45 km/h. In addition to which, it’s going to be pretty damp for the rest of the week. 

Bulls to run on Bay Street to mark 90th Royal

You would have to say The Royal  (as it’s known) has come a long way from milking contests and show jumping. That’s because planners intend to mark the 90th version of The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair by turning six 2000-pounds bulls loose on Bay Street next Tuesday. The release came out Friday with a straight-faced explanation of how the bulls will be un-penned and sent off from Wellington Street and run northbound up Bay Street to King Street. It goes on the say: “While spectators will be able to marvel at these magnificent animals, the streets will be closed to pedestrian and vehicle traffic during the running of the bulls. Cowboys on horseback will help guide the bulls to ensure they stay on course. Spectators are invited to come down and watch the bulls on Bay Street, and then celebrate The Royal’s 90th Anniversary kick-off along Bay Street and at the forecourt of Commerce Court with various food and promotional sponsors.”  But it has all been denied

Reader says local bus ads denigrate Toronto

South Bayview Bulldog reader David DeMelo has a complaint about the rather in-your-face cosmetic surgery ads featured on the rear of local TTC buses.  Mr. DeMelo wrote to say that the ad for  the Toronto Cosmetic Clinic highlights procedures like Dermal Fillers, Breast Enhancements and (he warns) Vaginoplasty. Mr. DeMelo says that “women already deal with enough body image issues. There’s no need to promote cosmetic surgery of one’s privates as a mainstream procedure. As a Father of two little girls, I dread the evolving world of the perfect woman’s body that mainstream media and advertising continuously promote. I sent a note to Councillors Stintz and Matlow via Twitter but was met with crickets. I’d much rather see a dating website advertisement for cheating married couples on the TTC. Oh wait, that already happened and didn’t go over so well.” Mr DeMelo says the cosmetology ad denigrates Toronto and “sends the wrong message.” He notes that ads are carried on the 88, 28 and 11 route buses. 

Now here’s your Rob Ford news in a minute

There’s no need to plough through the many leads produced by everyone else.  Here’s what he’s been doing. Mr Ford and his brother, Doug, say the so-called accountability offices at City Hall are “tripping over each other to keep busy” and ought to be abolished. These offices are relatively recent creations overseen by Toronto ombudsman Fiona Crean, Toronto lobbyist registrar Linda Gehrke, and integrity commissioner Janet Leiper. Give their jobs to a lawyer for a fee, the Mayor says.  This after some over the top criticisms of City Medical Officer Dr David McKeown.  He called the doctor an embarrassment for recommending that speed limits be reduced to protect pedestrians. The Mayor retracted that but still thinks the idea is loopy and that the doctor is overpaid at $294,000 a year.. Then it was revealed that he and his brother had a meeting with 20 councillors of similar sympathies to plan their strategy for the remainder of the municipal term which expires with the general election in November 2014.