1860 Bayview now in hands of Trinity Group

1860 Bayview Ave
A new sign at the  planned development at the corner of Bayview and Broadway Aves is inviting “retail inquiries” and reminds viewers that this will be the site of a Whole Foods outlet in due course. Just how soon is a little unclear as the land has apparently changed hands from Starbanks Developments to the Trinity Group. There is not too much to learn from their website. The company’s activities are boiled down to three words– Design, Develop, Build.  There was to be a  meeting with ratepayers on just what the development might look like  But important family business has intervened so that meeting is yet to be scheduled, although it will presumably be soon. http://www.trinity-group.com/home/<

Hudson Bay Company to go public again

The Hudson’s Bay Company is going public. . The venerable firm  filed a preliminary prospectus for an initial public offering Wednesday.  HBC has roots that go to 1670. The company is now controlled by Richard Baker, the U.S. shopping-centre tycoon, via a private holding company. His plan to take HBC public a year ago ran into a rough IPO market and was withdrawn.

Toronto man loses job for nasty slur on dead teen

An employee of the Mr Big and Tall clothing firm has been fired for a nasty, woman-hating comment on the memorial page of the teenager who committeed suicide. The man has not been identified but his comment was seen by a woman who lives in Calgary and who traced the comment back to the man. She said the Toronto man’s post upset her so much that she clicked on his Facebook profile, where his job title and employer were prominently displayed. She then wrote the company an e-mail, detailing his online conduct, but said she didn’t ask that he be fired.  Toronto Sun

Our favorite pumpkin shot is from October 2010

Back in October 2010 this smooth looking Bull Terrier came our way. He was with his two friends (the ones who feed him etc) when they stopped on South Bayview to talk. They put down the pumpkin on the sidewalk. The appeal of the pumpkin to the pup is apparent in the shots above. He smells it (Mmmm good) and then begins to nibble. Finally (lower right) a big slurpy kiss. If you have a grerat pumpkin picture, please send it to the the South Bayview Bulldog at news@bayview-news.com

Posters warn that gasoline theft is a crime

Posters  from Crime Stoppers

Police have announced a new poster campaign to raise awareness among consumers and retailers about the dangers of gas theft. Three  posters have been created for retailers to display at fuel pumps across Toronto. They feature mug shots of fictional gas theft suspects to remind the public that stealing gas is a crime. “Stealing gas is a crime – nothing less – and puts retailers and consumers at risk,” says Sean Sportun of Toronto Crime Stoppers in a press release. “We’ve spent the last few months working with our partner-associations to bring this campaign to light. We take safety at the pumps very seriously.” The announcement comes roughly a month after a man died as a result of a “gas and dash” in Toronto. Thirty-nine year-old Max Edwin Tutiven is sought in connection with that theft and the killing of 44-year-old Jayesh Prajapati, the gas attendant who was hit as he tried to intervene. “While this crime has brought the problem of gas theft to the forefront, we hope our campaign will make people inclined to steal gas think again, and encourage law-abiding consumers to be alert and provide information that will help police bring gas thieves to justice,” Sportun said in a press release. 

Loblaws to elminate 700 office jobs in Brampton

Loblaws has announced that it will cut some 700 office jobs in its Brampton headquarters.  The action appears to be a response to ever increasing competition in the grocery business. President Vincente Trius delivered the news to employees this morning. The company expects to take a one-time estimated $60 million charge in the fourth quarter as a result.

Two girls rob a 16-year-old boy in TTC station

Toronto Police Service report: : A 16 year old male reports that on October 12, 2012 at approximately 1510 hours, he was at a TTC subway station in the area of Broadview Avenue and Danforth Avenue when he was approached by a female suspect. The suspect grabbed the victim’s cellular phone from his person. The victim gave chase and the suspect punched the victim in the face before handing the phone over to a second female suspect. The suspects fled the scene in an unknown direction. No injuries were sustained by the victim.

Noisy night for dog-walking in South Bayview

It was a noisy night for dog-walking in South Bayview last night. A fire call to Cheltenham Ave near Dinnick Cres and St. Ives Cres and another to Balliol Street had the sirens singing as midnight approached  Nothing serious as the first call was a natural gas leak that was contained and the second was an apartment building fire alarm misfire.

McGuinty resigns as premier, stays on as MPP

Click for video

Premier Dalton McGuinty has announced that he will resign as premier as soon as the party picks a new leader. Mr. McGuinty surprised the province with his dinner-time announcement, a fitting finale for a man renowned as a cagey political operator. Sixteen years into his    stewardship of the party, and after nine years of running Canada’s largest province, it seems necessary in retrospect that McGuinty should go. Besieged by scandal and unable to muster enough support in the house to push through his austerity budget, it was the only way out.  McGuinty prorogued the Legislature, suspending everything, and bought time for his party to get a new leader and make a new plan.  In the scrum following his address to Caucus, McGuinty refused to rule out the possibility he might try for leadership of the federal Liberals. The most he would say is that he has no plans. Many will say “”Premier Dad” was paternalistic and full of populist blarney.  But his frequently corny reasoning seemed to work for him. His announcement of the creation of Family Day was accompanied by a syrupy sermon on his regret that he had not spent more time with his father. In recent years, the financial scandals struck at the heart of public confidence. Desperate to hold power in last year’s election, McGuinty executed the crass decision to cancel the half finished gas fuelled electric generating plants at Oakville and Mississauga. The National Post tonight has called this naked political fix “the mistake that he couldn’t awww shucks away”.  No doubt the premier knew he could not hope to lead the party back to majority government. For conservatives, Mr. McGuinty never looked better than when he began, late in his term, to tackle the province’s enormous debt.  Now that thankless task will fall to a new leader and the province can only hope that he or she has the will to do the right thing for Ontario. South Bayview Bulldog
Will McGuinty jump to the federal Liberal leadership contest?
After nine years, McGuinty made a mistake he couldn’t aww-shucks away

Malala to get “specialized care” in Britain

A Pakistani schoolgirl who was shot by the Taliban for campaigning for the right to go to school has arrived in the UK. Malala Yousafzai, 14, was flown to Birmingham airport and will be taken to the city’s Queen Elizabeth Hospital, where she will receive specialist “prolonged care” to help her recover. The teenager was shot on a bus in front of her friends last Tuesday in what Foreign Secretary William Hague described as a “barbaric attack”. Her life was saved by neurosurgeons in a Pakistani military hospital and she has since been in intensive care. But doctors decided she needed “prolonged care” to help her recover from the physical and psychological effects of the attack. Mr Hague said: “Malala’s bravery in standing up for the right of all young girls in Pakistan to an education is an example to us all. Malala will now receive specialist medical care in an National Health Service hospital. Our thoughts remain with Malala and her family at this difficult time.” Sky News

Trudeau pushes Liberal numbers past NDP
Home sales drop 15% in September as prices edge higher