Mount Pleasant riding proposed for this area

The Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for Ontario has posted proposed boundary changes on its website. One of them would create the new riding of Mount Pleasant,  a combination of parts of the present ridings of St. Paul’s, Toronto Centre  (Moore Park and Rosedale) and Don Valley West west of Bayview Ave (This section appears to be Bennington Heights).  The boundary reference points are (on the east) Oriole Pkwy. and Avenue Rd., north of the Wellesley St. to Sherbourne St. and Rosedale Valley Rd., plus part of the current riding of Don Valley West lying west of Bayview Ave.  Map.

Commission’s official description

Mount Pleasant — Consisting of that part of the City of Toronto described as follows: commencing at the intersection of Queens Park Crescent West with Wellesley Street West; thence easterly along said street and Wellesley Street East to Sherbourne Street; thence northerly along said street and Sherbourne Street North to Rosedale Valley Road; thence generally easterly and northeasterly along said road and its production to the Don River; thence generally northerly along said river to Pottery Road; thence northwesterly and southwesterly along said road to Bayview Avenue; thence generally northwesterly and northerly along said avenue to Broadway Avenue; thence westerly along said avenue to Yonge Street; thence southerly along said street to Eglinton Avenue West; thence westerly along said avenue to Oriole Parkway; thence generally southerly along said parkway to Lonsdale Road; thence westerly along said road to Avenue Road; thence southerly along said road, Queens Park and Queens Park Crescent West to the point of commencement.

New Loonie celebrates 100th Grey Cup

The Royal Mint has released a new one-dollar coin commemorating the 100th Grey Cup, According to a government release, the coins should be available at certain participating post offices today. The mint has also produced a collectible set for each CFL team featuring a painted commemorative coin designed by Canadian artist Filip Mroz, two commemorative stamps.  Ten thousand limited edition silver dollars are also being offered to collectors and football fans alike. Featuring a stylized Grey Cup and also designed by Filip Mroz, this 99.99% pure silver coin is available for $69.95.

Rain pounds South Bayview, floods Extension

Street and gutters overflowed with rainwater during last night’s mid-evening downpour. Low areas like the Bayview Extension at the Pottery Road were flooded. This point is a traditional collection basin for rain. Last night  a driver got caught when he drove his car into deep water. No one was injured. Gardeners are grateful for the rain which finally begins to top up water levels after our dry summer.

Liberals table bill to freeze teachers salaries

The Liberal government has introduced a bill that is unprecedented for the party. It proposes to freeze the wages of  thousands of Ontario teachers and effectively suspend collective bargaining. The Liberals have the support of the Progressive Conservatives. It is a circumstance reminiscent of the government of Mike Harris, which came into office in 1995. In the end, Harris did not do as much to control spending as he may have wished. Now, Ontario faces a $15-billion deficit.

Wife, 23, must stay away from husband, 69

The young wife of a Canadian senator has been told by a court to stay away from her Senator husband, someone 46 years her senior. This was a  court requirement for the release of  Maygan Sensenberger, 23. She is  accused of causing a disturbance on an Air Canada flight from Halifax to Saskatoon on Thursday. Her Monday court date coincided with her first wedding anniversary to 69-year-old Manitoba Sen. Rod Zimmer, who was appointed to the Senate in 2005 by former Liberal prime minister Paul Martin. 

Showroom window splintered by crane

There’s been an expensive renovation accident at the premises at 333 Eglinton Ave West. That’s where Madison Shoes and Accessories used to operate until earlier this month. The picture inset has an almost artistic look to it. But it’s the cracked left over of  a splintered showroom window after a motorized crane being used to remove shelving backed into the window.  The thermal glass has held in place rather than showering all over the sidewalk and roadway. But it will be costly to replace. 

New CIBC branch open today on Laird Drive

The new branch of the CIBC in Leaside Village has opened today, right on time. It must have been a push. At the old branch at 180 Laird (at McRae) there were  still trucks loading cabinets and other furniture at mid-morning today. But, as someone noted, the money was all gone. At any rate, the new branch is commodious and modern. There is a rather unusual sitting area which resides in front of the teller positions. Manager Despina Polymeris is at the front door on the job to greet visitors. Coat of arms at old branch

“Chat with Pat” banking lurks out there

If it’s in Hamilton, can it be far from South Batyview?  It’s the Personal Assisted Teller (PAT) installed at several locations by the FirstOntario Credit Union. You bank by talking to a real live teller via monitor. The teller might be inside the closed branch, or maybe in another city. Creepy. But it does prevent bank robberies. Thus it become very helpful at high-risk times like Friday afternoon or evenings when holdups frequently take place. FirstOntario calls its service Chat with Pat.

Rainbow Tan still working on Bayview Ave

The many friends of Rainbow Tan will be interested to know that she is still here on South Bayview three days a week. Rainbow is tending tables at Fukui Sushi 1612 Bayview. She works there Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Rainbow is well known on South Bayview because of her long service — nearly ten years — at Chai on Bayview and before that, Chai. Rainbow tells us that some of her friends have found her at Fukui but not all. Needless to say, she would love to see any who can come by. Fukui is a very established restaurant and as always, our most recent visit was a delicious experience.

Senator’s wife jailed for flight disruption


Compatibility was the quality mother always talked about when giving advice on choosing a mate. There was very little of that apparently when Maygan Sensenberger, the 23-year-old wife of Manitoba Liberal Senator Rod Zimmer, 69, caused an uproar on an Air Canada flight Thursday night. Police say Ms Sensenberger had an argument with her husband and threatened him. She also threatened to bring down the plane. There was, of course, no real threat to the flight but the disruption caused the captain to land at Saskatoon where Ms. Sensenberger was arrested. She appeared in court Friday and will do so again tomorrow (Monday , August 27, 2012).  The CBC says that will be the couple’s first wedding anniversary.  Senator Zimmer was at one time a fund raiser for the Liberal Party of Canada.