Mayor has throat infection CBC reports

The CBC is reporting that Mayor Ford has a throat infection that makes it hard for him to swallow. This information is said to come from a source who knows the mayor’s condition but is unnamed. The diagnosis was apparently made at Humber River Regional Hospital where the mayor has been under observation and getting tests since Tuesday. After the mayor went into hospital, his office released an email statement: “Earlier this evening, Mayor Rob Ford admitted himself to hospital after feeling unwell. The mayor is currently under observation as a precautionary measure and is expected to make a full recovery.”

Checking up on Parklea Drive gas main work

Local resident has a chat with Enbridge workers at Rumsey Rd and Parklea Dr. as they continue to connect the new pipeline with the gas source. These new mains were laid two years ago (well-remembered by merchants on South Bayview) and only now is Enbridge getting around to connecting them up so household service can come from the new plastic main.  

First day of private collection west of Yonge

The first day of privatized garbage collection west of Yonge Street appears to have had no more than a reasonable number of problems. It was reported that about 500 homes in the Annex were still awaiting pickup as evening came on. Some homeowners were quoted on television as saying the pickup seemed fine and that the garbage cans had not been thrown in the driveway as was frequently the case before. The process of following a pre-set grid for pickup is said to be complicated, something that crews will have to learn. On the east side of Yonge, in places like South Bayviewland, pickup continues to be carried out by city employees, members of the Canadian Union of Public Employees. Today CUPE set up a hot line so residents on the privatized side could complain if they wished. 

Blythwood crane visible from Moore Avenue

The Tridel development known as The Blythwood on Huntington is underway in earnest on Bayview across from the CNIB. The nice looking building-to-be features eighth-floor penthouses with 10 foot ceilings and other units called Terraces, or One of a kind Suite Designs. Also interesting is the visibility of the construction cranes. They can be seen from Moore Ave on South Bayview. Whether this means the condominium itself will be visible sitting high above Leaside and Davisville Village is a question that perhaps only time can answer.  The company is predicting a tentative occupancy of 2013.

TTC tracks to nowhere a fatal trap for cyclist

Streetcar tracks which go nowhere were a fatal trap for a cyclist this afternoon. The man, said to be in his 40s, was on Wychwood Ave south of St. Clair Ave W. near the former Wychwood yards of the TTC. Stretches of track remain embedded in the pavement even though it is no longer usable. Apparently the man’s front wheel locked in the tracks and upset him. He fell, hitting his head on the pavement. Police said he was not wearing a helmet. He is said to have died at the scene. The streetcar tracks leading from St Clair Ave West go nowhere. The tracks disappear under asphalt.  

Joy as Curiosity lands, begins 2-year mission

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Absolute joy prevailed in the NASA control room this afternoon as the Mars Rover known as Curiosity landed exactly according to plan. Curiosity has a two-year mission ahead. Report by Geraldine Cooper. Minutes after the landing signal reached Earth, Curiosity beamed back the first black-and-white pictures from inside the crater showing its wheel and its shadow, cast by the afternoon sun. “We landed in a nice flat spot. Beautiful, really beautiful,” said engineer Adam Steltzner, who led the team that devised the landing routine. It was NASA’s seventh landing on Earth’s neighbour; many attempts by the U.S. and other countries to zip past, circle or set down on Mars have gone awry. Click picture. 

Shoppers, Dollarama lore still fascinates

There’s an expression about being a fly on the wall, and many people would like to have had that chance during the horsetrading that went on between Shoppers Drug Mart, Dollarama and the landlord of the double space at  1531-1533 Bayview north of Millwood. It may be an urban legend but it’s widely believed that Shoppers was prepared to do whatever it took to make sure the space it was leaving when it moved up the street did not suddenly become a Rexall Pharma Plus store. Shoppers must have been stung when it moved into new premises a few years ago at 759 Mt. Pleasant Rd to find that two seconds later Rexall was setting up in Shoppers former premises across the street at 732 Mt Pleasant.  Now it’s true that a Rexall Pharmacy on Bayview would have left them with three stores in close proximity. There’s already one on Moore Ave beside the Loblaw and another in Sunnybrook Plaza. But who wanted to take the chance that Rexall might move in anyway if it had an opening? The enormous time that has gone by before Dollarama even began to set up, suggests something was afoot.

Rogers challenges “no dropped calls” penalty

Interesting case now before the Ontario Superior Court will challenge the legal foundation of the Competitions Bureau to levy large fines for alleged false advertising. Rogers Communications wants the court to relieve it of the responsibility to pay some $10,000 in penalties for an advertising campaign in 2010 which assured consumers of  “no dropped calls.”