Daylight mugging of three boys, 14
•Flatiron Building sold for $15 million dollars
•Closing and opening on South Bayview
•Days of change on South Bayview as the space belonging to Bayview Photo, the long-standing photo service in the Behar building, is up for lease. You can see the Kodak sign that hung for years in the centre shot. At the right, an opening, as the spartan Bell mobile store opens at 1517 Bayview. The sign is yet to come.
Minister tours Leaside transformer station
•Can Superman save this Leaside relic?
•Gov’t pushes through electoral reform act
•Net worth drops $4,600 per household
•The sharp drop in the stock market cut Canadian’s net worth by $4,600 per household in the third quarter, Statistics Canada reported Tuesday.
Jim Shaw paid $25.5 million on retirement
•Trees $150 on Bayview, $60 at Manes Park
•Christmas trees at the top end are selling for about $150 at Garden Court Nurseries this season. Last year the same firm was selling its best tree for about $190. It’s not known if this is a function of the economy or if this year’s trees are not of quite the same quality as last year’s. A reader has kindly commented that you can also get a tree from the Scouts for $60 at their set-up in Trace Manes Park. Must take a look