Price of parking is total confusion

The price of parking on South Bayview these days is several minutes of total confusion. The parking meters have been removed from the east side for sidewalk construction (yet to begin). This has resulted in an unofficial free zone for shoppers, but the closest we got to confirmation was a sotto voce by the superintendent of the work Bruce Shaw. Here we see a woman, one of countless parkers, heading off on a fruitless search for a parking meter. Good luck everyone. Previous post: Email parking court will decide disputes

Australian boy beats death by centimeters

Dramatic footage of the moment where a young boy narrowly avoids death while running across the tracks of a Sydney railway station has been released. The 12-year-old boy is seen to jump onto the tracks and run across to the other platform, reportedly to talk to a girl who caught his eye. He dashes back across in order to catch what he thinks is his train, but which is in-fact a through train which does not stop or have a chance to slow down. The train speeds through the station travelling over 60mph and pins the boy between the train and platform wall, before he is seen to slip down out of sight. Miraculously the boy survives after falling into a small cavity under the lip of the platform. Telegraph

Return to Lumley and Heath

We were here at the intersection of Lumley Avenue and Heath Street East last month and showed you the start of this rebuild in a prime area of Bennington Heights. The new home sits in a leafy corner of the area right beside the footbridge to Moore Park. As you see it will be a good size and those roof supports piled up on top certainly look impressive. Previous story.

We seem set to miss Irene completely

Those concerned about the possible repercussions of Hurricane Irene may wish to reassure themselves by looking at the Weather Channel forecasts for the next few days. You do this by clicking on the temperature in the weather bar above. The forecasts appear to be quite pleasant with a little rain but also much sunshine.

60 second red, 15 second green at Manor

Residents who want to drive out of their neighborhood and shoppers waiting to cross, will be aware at how long it takes to get across Bayview at the intersection of Manor/Fleming. Our summer Saturday check revealed a fleeting 15 second green for Bayyview crossers before the green turned to amber. The long (60 second) wait causes many Bayview pedestrians to make a run for it on the red. Down at Millwood, it’s slightly better but not quite in keeping with a Saturday, nor with the traffic on Millwood. The Millwood crossers get 30 seconds, but wait 60 seconds. We’re going to take a wild guess and say these things are automated and it seems reasonable that the Saturday and Sunday cycle should be closer in seconds to 45/45 at both corners. What do you think?

City Hall tribute to Jack Layton

The lineup to go by Jack Layton’s casket stretched around the block. Chalked messages were throughout Nathan Phillips Square and a crowd surrounded this makeshift memorial. jack Layton will be remembered a state funeral. Some of Layton’s ashes will be planted along with a memorial tree at the cemetery affiliated with Wyman United Church in Hudson, Que., where Layton was raised. Some ashes will also be scattered on the Toronto Islands, where Layton married his wife MP Olivia Chow in 1988. Picture courtesy Yonge and Roxborough News

Pharma needles Shoppers over cosmetics

The chat around the shops is that Pharma Plus is running television ads which give Shoppers Drug Mart the needle about cosmetic merchandising. The gist of the PP spots is that if you want a drugstore that cares more about your health than your appearance come to the Rexall Pharma Plus. The grumbling among many customers has been that Shoppers manipulates them into the cosmetic department. But, it must be said it’s handy to grab a jar of salsa or a frozen meal at Shoppers.