The Beer Store, that jail-like in-and-out place owned by the big beer companies, is going to open what it’s calling Beer Boutiques. This would seem like a welcome departure from the charmless by-the-case outlets that have ruled beer sales in Ontario since ale was first brewed. In contrast to Beer Store locations, in which customers have no direct access to product and order it at a counter similar to a fast food outlet, Beer Boutiques will be self-serve stores with a more open and inviting appearance, as shown by the concept illustration above. Now, beer is a personal pleasure. But it’s also a huge driver of business. Would we like to have one of these places on South Bayview? No kidding. On hearing this news, many have said the Ontario Government should just go all the way and turn the beer sales business over to private enterprise. Others, like the readers of the
linked blog, think The Beer Store owners don’t know how to choose beer and thus the Beer Boutiques won’t be any better than the old beer stores.