Shoppers Drug Mart results

At Shoppers Drug Mart, that every-where drugstore, they’ve announced Q1 results. You can see why flossy new stores (like the one about to open on South Bayview) with lots of general merchandise are important to Shoppers. Their overall sales are up, based on general merchandise. Prescription revenues are down. As the store explains, “First quarter sales were $2.347 billion, an increase of 2.7% over the same period last year, driven by strong front store sales growth in all regions of the country. On a same-store basis, total sales increased 2.0% during the quarter. Prescription sales were $1.150 billion in the first quarter, a decrease of 0.4% on both a total and a same-store basis when compared to the same period last year, as continued growth in the number of prescriptions filled was offset by a reduction in average prescription values.:

Here’s why people hate “the news”

Here’s why you hate the news. A story from the University of Warwick (hmm) has prompted the bulletin that “people living in some of the world’s happiest countries — including Canada — are disproportionately more likely to commit suicide.” Don’t get it? Well naturally, in due course it’s explained that high expectations and the pressure of striving to succeed do, in fact, cause some people to kill themselves. Very unfortunate, but not very newsworthy and frankly, not related to happiness. It was a cheap thrill of a headline however. Look, it could just as easily be argued that happy countries — with their disproportionately high standards of living — prevent people from suffering. But the news from Warwick World is that the glass is definitely not full. It isn’t even half empty. The glass is to be used to cut your wrists.

Canvasser tipped cops to neglected cats

Neighbors on Manor Road near Servington Crescent say a political canvasser called police when she feared a local house might contain a dead body. In fact, the stench was created by the presence of some 50 cats. Because of the concern over a possible death, the fire department was the first responder on the scene. Apparently a mature woman who lives in the house has had the cats for some time. Neighbors say they have complained of the smell in the past. Monday afternoon the Ontario Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals was carefully removing the cats from the house and assessing each one on the scene. The location is beside the picturesque Glebe area to the south. The street was crowded with emergency and news vehicles.

Ancient capitals and modern history

Prague — For the next week or ten days the South Bayview Bulldog will file stories from some points of interest in Central Europe. We will also have local posts as well. Prague is one of the great capitals the world. It has a written history dating back more than 1,200 years. In a modern story we will tell later, you will hear how Prague was the scene of one of the great confrontations between Communism and the forces of Freedom. In particular, we will tell of how in 1968 a young a Canadian correspondent for the Associated Press broke the news of a signal act of suppression by the Red Army.

Profiling the Soudan Ave car wrecker

As a political partisan, the Soudan Ave vandal certainly has a thing against cars. Unlike misguided workers who steal their opponents lawn signs and hide them in the garage, this guy seems to have been a fairly indiscriminate wrecker of vehicles. He even took out the tires of a car bearing a Utah plate. Police have been careful not to say the crimes are politically motivated. No doubt supporters of the Liberal, Ms Bennett, had their cars damaged. But a walk along Soudan will prove just how popular this long-time MP really is in that neighborhood. In the stretch from Bayview to Hoyle, there do not appear to be signs for any other candidate. We think a profiler might say that this perp had spent the first couple of hours of the night in a bar. Then, without realizing just how early it was (10 pm.) took off on his rampage. But of course no one said that vandals, politically inspired or otherwise, are necessarily smart. Take your choice.

Surveillance cam records vandal

A surveillance camera has captured pictures of an individuhal who punctured tires and scratched the paint of 16 vehicles parked on Soudan and Hoyle Aves. on Good Friday eve. Note that the imprint on the picture says it was recorded on video at about four minutes to ten on the evening of April 21, 2011. Toronto Police said the lone suspect struck between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. The person is described as being white. He wore a dark leather jacket, blue pants and a white baseball cap. Investigators at 53 Division are asking that anyone who can identify the man to call police at 416-808-5300 or anonymously to Crime Stoppers at 416-222-8477 or online at

Holiday shopping on South Bayview

This holiday proved to be a busy one along South Bayview as many people came out under sunny skies. Above, the broad sidewalks were full. Right, a lady basks in the sunshine and the glow of her latte. Below, time for pictures and yes, absolutely everyone was out. Patios were full and shops had lots of customers. It was a statutory holiday. As many will know, City staff has recommended to the Council that all impediments to business be removed during such days. For reasons that are unclear, City Council has not taken action. As people thronged South Bayview they were making another statement about popular sentiment on this question. The Eaton Centre benefits from the doubtful notion that it’s a Tourist Area. But the issue is not tourism. The issue is equality under the charter. No disrespect, no tourism, no confusion — just what the Constitution requires. Hope you all enjoyed.