Readers twit scary weather forecast

Readers of the newspapers have been having fun this morning commenting on stories that warn of 10 cm of snow “by morning.”  In particular, a story in the Star online published around 7.45 am warns of this heavy fall. People don’t quite get it.  Here is what some readers are saying.:  Feb 24, 2012 8:33 AM Okay, for one, it’s wet snow and no snow on ground this morning as they said there would be. Things change once the weather makes its way over here. Second, they’re making this news as if we live in Mexico where this type of weather never happens. I am sorry but do we live in Canada?? Where am I? Feb 24, 2012 8:31 AM Whatever Woke up half hour earlier than usual, looked outside, then spent the extra half hour making a hot breakfast for the first time in years before work. .Feb 24, 2012 8:11 AM The boy who cried wolf. Might want to re-read that on.