Proud day as Tykes Christen Leaside’s new rink

It’s a proud day in all of South Bayview and Toronto as the new ice pad at the Leaside Arena is officially opened. Board of Management Chair Ray White (seen top left with l-r former Chair Brooke Biscoe, John Parker (Toronto Ward 26) John Carmichael (MPP Don Valley West) and Premier Kathleen Wynne) declared the rink open. In the centre row of pictures we see the first skaters permitted on the new ice and the first hockey game played on it — a Tyke event which was very enjoyable.  Lower row are the directors of the arena, Cheryl, who was in charge of guarding  the cake (and who had her hands full) and the busy new parking lot. Overflow cars were permitted into the Self-Storage lot across Millwood Rd. Skating and celebratory events will go on all day. Tomorrow (Sunday, October 6, 2013) another attraction will be the Junior Wildcats vs the Mississauga Chiefs at 3.30, Organizers today appealed for all those who use the rink and love the game to consider making a donation to the on-going cost of finishing up and running the arena. A donation desk will be permanently installed at the rink for those who are interested in picking up a donation card. It does cost money and any amount is both welcome and appreciated.  There was a large barbecue outside at noon hour thanks to Valumart, the Fox and Fiddle, Neal  Brothers Foods and many willing volunteers.