Illicit ciggie shuts Pearson, brings back flight

If you needed more evidence that you had better follow the rules at the airport, this is it. A man who apparently ducked through a forbidden door in order to find a place to smoke last night set off a long, paralyzing shut-down at Pearson International and forced the return of a flight to Toronto after it was half way to Brazil. Ugh. The passenger had a good ticket and passport to travel but he was seen  “breaching security” in the pre-boarding area. Off went the alarms. Outgoing flights were boarded while police searched for the man. They had no idea what he was up to. Everything at the airport stopped. Stunned passengers aboard the flight to Rio de Janiero learned they had spent six hours in the air for nothing when the captain announced he would shortly be landing at — Toronto. Ugh again. Lesson?  Please follow the rules at the airport.