Naughty pictures online? It’s Mom’s rule vs United Nations

emmaThere was a time when many mothers considered their most important coming-of-age lesson for any daughter to be: Never let anyone — anyone — take a picture of you unless you’re fully dressed. Yes, we know, those days are gone forever but it might surprise readers of the Internet how  many women both young and — um — less young tend to live by this effective rule. On the other hand, millions of others have embraced the view that being naked is protected by an array of UN sponsored human rights. It seems one of these rights ensures that a celebrity can be naked on the web without anyone finding out. Variations of this include the right to be unbothered by hackers who somehow unlock naked pictures from the cloud. What the Bulldog trips over, apart from his big silly tongue, is an utter lack of faith in his own gender. How on earth could any woman — the UN notwithstanding — trust men to behave. As a sex they are scoundrels. In the case of Emma Watson the revelation of certain pictures is blamed on someone who was upset with her recent defense of feminism.