National Post writes editorial searing the OSSTF

The National Post has published an editorial searing the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Federation The newspaper seizes on a common complaint among parents — that  they have no idea what the union is on strike about. The Post also makes it clear that  the negotiations  and the so called strategic strikes called so far are absolutely about money despite claims to the contrary. It recounts the sad recent history of Dalton McGuinty’s effort to regain control of education in the province and the current Liberal government’s sell-out to the OSSTF before the election last year. Like all huge unions the OSSTF is interested in the size of its membership. With members comes power. The Post writes:”Is there a single parent or student in all of Ontario who would value seniority over quality in a teacher? What sort of professional would even want to be judged on that basis? Schools are not assembly lines, churning out widgets; they are educating children. It’s hard work. Passion, ingenuity and creativity are key.”  Problems of nepotism and unfair hiring is no reason to choose teachers in such a foolishly simplistic way.