Trudeau equates bombing ISIS to hatred not reason

The prime minister has said that Canadian jets will stop bombing ISIS by February 22, 2016 and withdraw from the coalition of air forces attacking ISIS. Mr. Trudeau outlined a response to the cutthroat actors in Iraq and elsewhere as an opportunity to “train, advise and assist” others. His rationale is carefully phrased. “We think we ought to avoid doing precisely what our enemies want us to do: they want us to elevate them, to give in to fear, to indulge in hatred,” he told a news conference Monday. “The lethal enemy of barbarism isn’t hatred, it’s reason. And the people terrorized by ISIS every day don’t need our vengeance, they need our help.” The question that may be asked however is whether bombing ISIS commends itself as far more reasonable than not. Hatred isn’t part of the discussion except on their side.