Do you know Moore Park? Or speak English perhaps?

Toronto Staff has brought forward proposals for separate sets of rules for Uber vehicles and conventional taxis (like Beck) which will voted on by Council on April 14, 2016. Among the proposed rules are yearly inspections for Uber vehicles, criminal background checks for Uber drivers and the creation of a “vehicle-for-hire” license for Uber drivers. Uber would not be permitted to carry lights similar to a taxi or pick up passengers who hail them on the street. The City would also ease the burden on taxis by allowing taxi drivers to get their vehicles inspected at garages that meet the city’s requirements, instead of at city-run garages.


One contentious recommendation is that drivers need not know English. Interesting. How does that work? Anyway, City Councillors think it is recipe for chaos and some hear the Uber Alles marching song of a rideshare Gestapo, in a manner of speaking.