Oldest McDonald’s to get drive-through lane after 60 years

In Downey, California the oldest McDonald’s anywhere is about to undergo a major change by getting a drive-through lane. The Downey Mac’s was rebuilt from a first version in 1957 and has been operating without the drive-through for more than 60 years. Fox News LA reports that McDonald’s has asked the Downey Planning Commission to approve a plan that would add a familiar order-and-pickup lane to the historic establishment. It was opened by Roger Williams and Bud Landon in 1953 and has always done things a little differently. Williams and Landon purchased franchise rights from the McDonald brothers (Richard and Maurice) themselves, prior to the brand being bought out by Ray Kroc in 1961. As such, the restaurant hasn’t always been subject to the uniform standards that govern most McDonald’s locations. The apple pie is still deep-fried there. And when the Big Mac was introduced in 1968, the Downey McDonald’s refused for years to add it to the menu. Kroc acquired the Downey location in 1990.

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