Avery Barker has posted pictures on Leaside Community which show the street at what appears to be the turn of the decade (1980). There are three photos posted and they are quite a wayback playback. They recall a time when there was a Shell station on the southwest corner and construction had not yet begun on the Canada Trust building. These shots look north from Millwood. They show the long gone “Jug City” and the Yeoman Steak House (soon to be McSorley’s). There is also a glimpse of the fairly recently opened Bonnie Byford Real Estate which is still there. For those with good eyes, the top shot shows a National Trust branch in the building now housing Scotiabank and further south on the east side what is probably Bruno’s. Long time ago when pictures were not taken with a phone. Many thanks to Mr. Barker for posting these pictures from Google. Bonnie Byford Real Estate