The Liberal Party will form a strong minority government. The party of Justin Trudeau won a second term but it will need the support of at least one other party in order to pass any legislation while it is in office. Public opinion surveys that telegraphed a CPC minority government appear to have been based on the popular sentiment in total, which the Conservatives won. (chart below).
Unassailable with NDP support
The outcome may well forecast a period of NDP-oriented legislation since the Trudeau government will be unassailable with New Democratic support. This is a good CBC analysis.
Toronto Liberal Red
Toronto was a Liberal bastion as the Trudeau party won every seat. Don Valley West MP Rob Oliphant was re-elected handily with more than 55 percent of the popular vote, although Conservative Yvonne Richardson had the support of more than 33 percent of voters. Mr. Oliphant handed out butter tarts from COBs during the vote count and no doubt found the evening exceedingly sweet
Elections Canada link
Here is the Elections Canada link to all results. It takes a bit of slugging to sort out the scattered presentation but it’s all there.