South Bayview Bulldog Admin

Wild Wing vs Wild Wings

It had to happen . The Canadian chicken wing saloon chain (Wild Wing) is threatening to sue the American chicken wing saloon chain (Buffalo Wild Wings) for “infringing its intellectual property rights.” Wild Wing (that’s the Canadian one) opened a restaurant on South Bayview last year. It’s located in the former Country Donut (and home to various other restaurants) building at Bayview and Millwood. Read more. Or not.

First day for new TD branch

The new TD Canada Trust at Laird and Vanderhoof is doing its first day of business today. The remarkable structure, built in 1951, stood vacant for 18 years before TD and others took an interest in it. It’s first occupant was the Pease Foundry Company, which manufactured plumbing and heating equipment there. As industrial conditions changed, it went into a sad period of decline sitting vacant for 18 years. That’s the condition in which most residents under 30 remember it. The building is said to be in the Art Modern style and is associated with the work of Toronto architect Earle Morgan. Morgan was also associated with the design of the O’Keefe Centre.

Six-storey crane startles Bayview

City supervisor takes a picture for posterity as a six storey crane lifts two very heavy air conditioning units onto the roof of 1605 South Bayview. They will be part of Shoppers Drug Mart’s new outlet. In centre. lift off of the second of the two units. Right, the weighty load swings east over the target roof. Note Second Cup sign in foreground. The east sidewalk was closed between the coffee shop and Tzatz for about three hours. Things returned to normal about 11.30 am.

Starbucks loses name from new logo

The evolution of the Starbucks logo left to right, the original 1971, 1992 re-make and January 2011 withiout the name. The new, all-green logo lands as Starbucks plans to expand the number of branded products it sells outside its own cafes. “Even though we have been and always will be a coffee company and retailer, it’s possible we’ll have other products with our name on it and no coffee in it,” Chief Executive Howard Schultz said on a webcast. Does that make it for you? Some will call it being too smart by half.

Goodbye Cheaters, Hello Chablis

Cheaters, the notorious hangout and strip joint is to be replaced by an LCBO outlet. Cheaters. at Yonge Street and Manor Road, was a source of grief for residents for decades. The place operated briefly under the name Mystique but finally closed in 2009. Since then it has sat vacant. But recently (right) a sign went up saying the liquor board will open there.

What the…? Wild garage door decals

Imagine glancing at your neighbors garage door and seeing something like this. It’s the idea of a German firm to add a bit extra to the finish of your home. They are a form of decal showing near-life-size unbelievable things in your garage. Just to be clear, we do not recommend this. More pictures at Trish Stuebing’s blog