The Bulldog

The Stack? Yes, 730 Hillsdale on Bayview is now The Stack

The Brown Group residential and commercial mid-rise on Bayview Ave has been branded as The Stack. The news comes in an article in Urban Toronto without an explanation of just what the name might mean. The development took on the name 730 Hillsdale last summer but that may have been too much like a street address. Anyway, good luck to The Stack. Is that like in “Stack ’em up boys” and other stack sayings? You know, blowing one’s stack, does that stack up and so on.

Tractor-trailer in fatal tangle of vehicles on 400 near Finch

One person has died in a long tangle of vehicles Thursday morning on Highway 400 southbound south of Finch Ave. OPP video narration below says it began when a tractor-trailer ran into the rear of a vehicle in slow traffic.

Barbers, hair dressers get green light to reopen on June 30

Ontario will permit legal haircuts and beauty care starting June 30. On the same day it will also be permitted to stage larger outdoor gatherings of up to 25 people and smaller indoor gatherings of up to five people. The government update below took place Thursday morning.

China, where you can’t even vote, wags finger at True North

The Chinese government is shameless. It wants a human rights investigation of Canada. Hey President-for-Life Xi, call an election.

ITV continues exposé of Amazon wastage

Just how much unsold stuff is simply destroyed by Amazon in its many warehouses around the world? In the UK, ITV News continues to expose this waste.

Ontario schools — competition versus learning?

Tickets in Ontario, BC share $70 million Lotto Max jackpot

After going unclaimed for weeks, the $70 million Lotto Max jackpot has finally been won. A ticket sold in British Columbia and another in Ontario will share the grand prize, each taking $35 million in Tuesday night’s draw. In addition, there are 46 Maxmillion prize winners. Twenty-one winning tickets were sold in Ontario, 11 in B.C., 10 in Quebec and four in the Prairies. The jackpot for the next draw on June 25 will be an estimated $50 million, with two Maxmillion prizes of $1 million each up for grabs — City News.

SERRA war cry to fight over-development at Canada Square

SERRA, the South Eglinton Ratepayers and Residents Association, has issued a battle cry to members and friends over plans to increase the density of the Canada Square site by as much as 250 percent. This is City-owned land on the southwest corner of Yonge and Eglinton which will be redeveloped as the Eglinton LRT is completed. The redevelopment is planned by Oxford Properties. That’s the pension plan of Ontario Municipal Employees.  SERRA is asking residents for support at a critical meeting next Monday (June 28) at the Planning and Housing Committee (PHC). It suggests a letter shown in the draft below. Whether you compose an email or write a letter, it should be sent to:

Tuesday: Amazon crushes much unsold merch in warehouse

Amazon, the big smiley box company that ships you everything, imports so much unsold stuff to its warehouses that it has to crush much of it en masse. Don’t ask what they do with the wreckage.

Toronto clears homeless from Trinity Bellwods Park

The City has decided that enough is enough, apparently, when it comes to the homeless encampment in Trinity Bellwoods Park on Queen St West.

Old Tomorrow taken away but his legacy lives on

Tell us again why we’re supposed to hate John A Macdonald? Yes, he was a devious, procrastinating and somewhat crooked rascal known as Old Tomorrow. But he built the CPR. Will the national guilty conscience now demand that the rails be ripped up?