South Bayview sidewalks, terrazzo looking sad

It’s hard to believe that the newly-laid sidewalks and terrazzo fill-ins beside the new trees have turned to junk in one winter. It was a bad winter of course but the mess now revealed is upsetting. Soon we will be complaining about the summer heat on our favorite business street. Many will recall the unbearable conditions in which people worked last August to lay pavement. Time for all those fellas to return to check the quality of their work.  Picture was taken just outside Passion Fruit. 

Union boss’s matches are wet in fire spat #TOpoli

The most one can say about the union beef with Rob Ford’s pumper truck gambit at his re-election kickoff is that it hasn’t caught fire. Sure it’s silly that Rob Ford’s relatives are going around buying old fire engines and that the mayor thinks its a neat way to help him get elected. But it’s not a scandal.  Ed Kennedy, head of the Toronto Professional Fire Fighters’ Association, says it’s a slap in the face to smoke-eaters because council has trimmed the department’s budget by four pumpers and reduced the number of full-time personnel slightly. No one has been fired. It’s a move that was taken by all of council and seems a reasonable effort to control costs without jeopardizing safety. Mr. Kennedy is entitled to think otherwise but his matches are wet. 

St. Cuthbert’s Spring Fair Apr 26 a Leaside must

So nice to hear from Joanne Cantrill to tell us about the St. Cuthbert’s Anglican Church Spring Fair on Saturday, April 26, 2014. We have  seen a few spring fairs and to prove that it really is the place to be we dug up this great picture of a springtime gathering on the St. Cuthbert’s green taken in (we think) 1920. The present structure dates from 1914. Featured this year are an art gallery, baking and soups, books, crafts, electrical, jewellery, kitchenware, knitting, odds & ends, quilting, sewing, stamps, toys, and treasures! There will be a BBQ on the green, a snack kiosk and free activities for the children. For more information, you can call the church office 416-485-0329. Everyone knows that St. Cuthbert’s is at 1399 Bayview at St.Cuthbert’s Rd. See you there.

Hey Toronto, what have you got for us today?

It’s one of the least focused searches on Twitter but for anyone who wants to get a broad fix on what’s bugging or beguiling people in this city, the “Toronto” search is a good one. You can catch up on Laureen Harper fencing with an aboriginal heckler or the unhappy fans of the Australian band 5 Seconds of Summer (5SOS if you please) who find themselves in an endless line for tickets. There’s much interest in the forthcoming Raptors-Nets game. The Toronto Sun calls the Nets the Dinosaurs because of their age. Cute. Lot’s of comment on that one. Most curious of all is the Toronto Star story about a medical marijuana businessman and cook who has taken to the newspaper’s pages to whip up non-hash dishes and warning that it’s illegal to serve marijuana at dinner. Good to know. But he is in the medical cannabis business under federal rules. What a temple of free enterprise in which we worship.  

Watching the hand luggage drop on Air Canada

Bags and briefcases just keep on dropping

Dwayne Stewart posted a video on YouTube today that shows Air Canada baggage handlers dropping hand luggage off an approximately 20-foot set of steps into a bin at the bottom. This, rather than carry the bags to the ground as Air Canada policy requires. The hand luggage was being placed in the cargo hold because of crowding in the cabin. Global News first reported that Stewart was complaining about the handling of the baggage. He took the video while waiting on the tarmac at Pearson Airport and told the broadcaster that passengers on the Vancouver-bound flight were asked to check their carry-on luggage because there wasn’t enough room in the overhead compartments. He looked out his window and started shooting as a handler dropped several bags. “Sorry Air Canada, this is a fail,” he says while filming. In a statement, Air Canada said it is “extremely disappointed by the actions” depicted in the video. “This clearly goes against our standard baggage handling procedures which dictates that gate-checked bags are to be hand carried down to the ramp. An investigation into this has been launched.”  See video 

Mt. Pleasant: Gardner Trail mural is taking shape

Update: Work has begun on the mural on the wall of the steps leading to the Kay Gardiner Beltline Trail at Mt. Pleasant Ave. and Merton St. Here’s a shot (top inset) of work as of Saturday, May 17, 2014. Earlier story here: Next month work is scheduled to begin on a mural to decorate and commemorate the history of the Kay Gardner Beltline Trail. The work will be done by students from Greenwood College School with the guidance of celebrated Toronto muralist Monica Wickeler. The mural’s design has been released by Greenwood and reveals a work of artistic charm and historic pertinence. Top and bottom inset are the design and an overlay of the design where it will be painted. The mural will grace the now bare concrete wall beside the steps which lead to the Beltline from the west side of Mt. Pleasant Rd. just south of Merton Street. This is the location of the well-remembered storage silos of the Canada Coal and Wood Company. The mural tells those on the trail that the Mt. Pleasant Village shopping area is just up the stairs. At  the bottom is the walking and cycling pathway which follows the 19th Century Beltline Railway. This undertaking was intended to provide commuter service from downtown to the then new neighborhoods of Rosedale, Moore Park and Forest Hill. It failed and sat dormant for many decades.  Greenwood College School has noted that the idea for a mural at this location came from local resident Ann Dempster two years ago. The City was consulted and the Grade 12 Drawing and Painting class went to work researching the history of the site. Funding was secured for the mural through the auspices of Josh Matlow (Ward 22) who has taken a continuing interest in the project. Mr. Matlow said, “Local residents and Greenwood College School students came together to celebrate our community’s history with a mural that will be a vibrant new addition to our public realm. I am so happy to support this wonderful initiative.”

Rob Ford makes spirited speech based on record

Rob Ford has made a spirited speech based on his record of caring about the taxpayer and saving money as he kicked off his re-eection campaign tonight. At 8.30 p.m.  as Mr Ford was said to be making his speech and the picture (inset) was taken by Ivor Tossell showing the enormous hall in which the event is being held. It seems to show many empty chairs and tables. Mr. Ford and his brother Doug were promising to make a big splash and create history. Doug Ford said he expected “thousands” of supporters to show up. Despite the appearance in the picture above, CityNews said the Toronto Congress Centre was packed with rambunctious supporters. Here is the Twitter search for Rob Ford which is very busy with comments and pictures
Some would say that the Toronto Star made Robyn Doolittle the media celebrity that she is today. Others might say that Doolittle has capitalized on her chances at the Star and executed her move to the Globe and Mail like a man. No higher praise. Whatever, there’s no doubt that the girl who started as a radio room apprentice in 2005 has written herself into the history of Toronto with her book Crazy Town and her exploits chasing the “crack video” with fellow reporter Kevin Donovan. For the Globe its about self respect as Canada’s national newspaper. They got licked on the Rob Ford story and no fooling. We’ll see how this move suits them and their new star investigator.  

Vaughan tries for Lib nod in Trinity Spadina

Adam Vaughan (Ward 20) will quit City Council and seek the Liberal nomination in the riding of Trinity Spadina, The riding is set for a byelection following the resignation of Olivia Chow as the NDP member to run for mayor. A Liberal source told The Globe and Mail Mr. Vaughan approached the party a few days ago. Is the nomination guaranteed? Either way, Mr. Vaughan, in announcing his bid was his usual rather indignant self. Let’s see if he can work up the same high dudgeon of the Opposition leader, Mr. Mulcair

Fish of all kinds for Good Friday at our shops

Tomorrow is the holiest day on the Christian calendar but regardless of just how observant any of us may be, we love our fish. Penrose Fish and Chips, De La Mer on Bayview and Cracked and Smoked will all be open on Friday. Also open Friday is Grilltime on Laird Drive with a selection of seafood items including salmon fillets and sides, black cod, marinated and grill ready shrimp, scallops and calamari. Hours are 10 until 6.  The origin of the fish tradition is murky although there are lots of references to fish in Christian history. Christ was a fisherman and the medieval church specified no meat Fridays. It’s not too clear why. But the taste for fish has hung on at this time of year. You can buy wonderful seafood at De La Mer, legendary fish and chips at Penrose and great lobster dishes at Cracked and Smoked.  Good Friday is thought by some to be a corruption of God Friday, while others say it is a “good” because of the universal redemption flowing from Christ”s death.

Chow turns up human gridlock villain #TOpoli

Call it Transit Thursday, as the longest mayoral campaign in the world grinds toward October, 2014. Olivia Chow plunked herself on Donlands Ave to say she has a plan to make this town move faster. A most arresting discovery on the candidate’s part is that Mayor Chow could fine construction companies for leaving a roadway blocked while there is no actual work going on. That’s what they do in Chicago and even if it doesn’t make the traffic move, it sure is a tempting source of revenue. Ms. Chow also spoke of hiring a person to be in charge of traffic. Isn’t there someone like that already?  The media has jumped on this as a “Transit Czar.” We sincerely hope not. Over at Queen’s Park, the Premier is threatening to electrify the GO system if only she can electrify voters to give her a majority government.  (We’ve enlarged on her remarks for that little Hydro conceit).

John Tory was in Leaside Thursday morning speaking with housewives about transit but later appeared on CP24. He got asked about his idea for water taxis (on which Chow dumped scorn today).   Tory then got feisty about keeping the Gardiner Expressway and insisted that Chow will tear it down. That seems a reasonable guess. At the end of his exchange with Stephen LeDrew,  Mr. Tory made his most critical move. “Rob Ford is done. He’s done,” said Tory. This is so important for him because it is Ford who will lose the election for both Ford Nation and John Tory. Between them they have more than enough support to beat Ms. Chow, but as it stands, these two guys are the most important part of her campaign to occupy the big office overlooking Phillips Square. It is, as The Bulldog observed earlier, like watching a traffic accident unfold in slow motion. That’s it so far for Transit Thursday. But at this writing it is only noon.