“Dynamic pricing” similar to growing mushrooms

Always in the dark 
There is an old metaphor that many businesses treat their customers like mushrooms by keeping them in the dark and feeding them manure. So when Tom Anselmi, the chef operating officer of MLSE says the “pricing details” of the club’s so-called dynamic pricing “have yet to be finalized” one really has to smile. Of course the details haven’t been finalized.  They never will be. The Leafs will make up more reasons to raise or lower the price of a game than the Toronto Star has stories. You will never know anything except the price. Buying a ticket will be even more of a chump’s game than it has ever been. The categories that have been established — super premium, premium plus, premium, regular and preseason — are just names. Any whim on the part of the Leafs will move a game from one category into another.  It is an inevitable outcome of business. Demand far exceeds supply and there is no competition or alternative apart  from staying away.It mirrors an attempt by Coca Cola about 15 years ago to install vending machines that would automatically raise prices for its drinks in hot weather. The hotter it got, the higher the price. At the time the president of Coke was quoted as saying it was “fair” that the Coke should increase in price with the level of the mercury. The plan didn’t work because Coca Cola has competition. 

Break-in at Eglinton accident prevention charity

There has been a break-in at the charity known as Parachute, 36 Eglinton Avenue West. Someone broke into the premises between 1946 hours and 1950 hours on Sunday, August 18, 2013 and took a quantity of computer equipment. Parachute is an organization that in recent years created a home for a number of other bodies which are dedicated to reducing accidents in the workplace. 

34 CNE sickness cases, food samples analysed

The Toronto Health Department has held a late afternoon news conference related to the gastrointestinal sickness outbreak at the CNE. Dr. Lisa Berger, associate medical officer of health, said there have been 34 reports of sickness which are believed to part of this incident. She said the health department cannot name the cause of the illness because it is in the process of sending food samples from the Epic Burger concession to provincial health labs to analyse them. The Epic Burger stand, vendors of the Cronut Burger, has been closed by the CNE. Dr. Berger said the results will take a few days.  She said she expected Epic Burgers to stay closed until there was something definitive from the tests. 

South Bayview east sidewalks pocked with repairs

The sidewalk and gutter repairs and replacements announced yesterday are well underway this Wednesday, August 21, 2013. This morning, all the way from Moore to above Parkhurst Aves. the sidewalk on the east side was pocked by ripped out sections. These are being repaired with real speed. On each of the surfaces of new concrete you see a natural gas valve cover protruding above the surface. These utilities were installed after the gargantuan job of summer 2010 that replaced all the wide walks of South Bayview. But its a little like painting the Golden Gate Bridge — the job is never over.

Editor asks about Bulldog story on Oink Oink

The estimable Bree Rody-Mantha, News Editor at the Post City Magazines, writes to ask about sourcing on a story that said the toy store Oink Oink on Eglinton Ave. West would close for reasons related to the construction of the Eglinton LRT. There will be a station built at Avenue Road which will dislocate a lot of business at or near this intersection it would seem certain. When the South Bayview Bulldog broke the story of Oink Oink’s closing, staff uniformly said they thought the LRT was the reason. As noted then, Montreal-based Oink Oink intends to open elsewhere in Toronto. It would seem that only time will tell if the building which now accommodates Oink Oink is not impacted in any way by this construction. 

Cronut Burger Hell leaves dozens ghastly sick

Call it Cronut Burger Hell. It appears that the common element in the many cases of intestinal sickness at the CNE last night is the outrageous Cronut Burger.  Toronto public health officials are now on the scene at the Epic Burger concession  at the Ex to confirm the source of the nasty bug. Stories are said to be coming in from all over southern Ontario. Chris Parnell blacked out on the 401, according to CP24. Mothers had to deal with children who just had to have a Cronut Burger and other crises. The Cronut Burger is a melange of maple bacon jam, cinnamon sugar, Cronut bun (whatever that is) beef patty and processed cheese. You have to be asking for trouble. 

Many questions await the release of Canadians

Loubiani and  Greyson

The on-going incarceration of two Canadians in Egypt has raised many questions. And it now seems that filmmaker John Greyson and Dr. Tarek Loubani, from London, Ont., are facing another two weeks in jail in Cairo. The federal government has said that it is disappointed that their detention will continue. Their friends and relatives say there is no reason whatsoever for the Cairo police to suspect the two of anything illegal. It must be understood however that nerves are raw in the Arab country. Have the police concocted their concerns about Greyson and Loubiani or are they merely mistaken? Do the two Canadians have political sympathies, despite their humanitarian aims, that might give sensitive Egyptian army bosses a reason to be wary. These are all fair questions in the context of the jailing of the Canadians and in no way reflect badly on them personally. It seems impossible in all the circumstances that Greyson and Loubiani will not be sent home in due course. At that time they may answer all the questions reporters will have for them.  We hope that’s soon.

“Specialty food” gives fair goers a special problem

Dozens of people were complaining of gastrointestinal illness overnight and at least five were taken to hospital after eating “specialty food” at the Canadian National Exhibition. Toronto EMS person Kim McKinnon is unable to say just where the ailing fair goers were eating before they got sick. For many people just the name of some of the dishes on sale is enough to turn the tummy. Nutella  fries and  bacon peanut butter milkshake are off the menu and no fooling.  Authorities are working to identify the food in question. One victim, Chris Parnell, told CP24, that he was wretchedly sick after eating a “burger”  CP24 also says that many of those who got sick are saying they ate the “Cronut Burger” but that has not been confirmed.  

Residents flag break-ins on Airdrie, Rumsey

Residents of Airdrie Road and Rumsey Road are alerting others to a series of overnight break-ins. The thieves have targeted sheds, garages and cars in the darkest part of the night — 1.30 to 4.30 a.m. Everyone is asked to be on the alert and call the police if they hear noises. They say there have been about six incidents on the two streets. One neighbour advised that he noticed of a car of people who seemed to be scoping out the neighbourhood in broad daylight. It must have been very disheartening for this family as they spotted this car while they were packing up their car for a a vacation.

Saucy Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer is having it all

There is just such a turmoil in the media over that saucy Yahoo chief executive Marissa Mayer. She went and got herself photographed by Vogue magazine looking like a sex symbol rather than a busy executive, wife and mom. We say it’s totally in the nature of “having it all” as Betty Friedan might have said. And who cares if no male executive would be photographed this way. Men and women are different you may have heard. Anyway, here she is on her escape-chute chaise lounge full of the “don’t bug me” attitude that prompted her to install a nursery in her office and tell employees they can’t work at home. The beast. Meantime, Ms Mayer is pulling off a huge publicity coup for her teetering last-century business. Yahoo never seems sure whether it should change its name to Yatter and limit everybody to 139 characters, or just retire from business. Marissa will figure it out. 

Man dies in overnight fire on St.Dennis Drive

A man described by neighbors as “a bit of a hoarder” has died in an apartment fire overnight on St. Dennis Drive in Flemingdon Park. The man, 65, was found in his bed after the two-alarm fire was extinguished. The man was without vital signs when he was pulled from the smoke-filled room, and he died at the scene. Fire authorities said there was an “unusual amount of material” kept within the room including a  “fair amount of combustibles stored in the bedroom”.

Sidewalk, gutter work the length of South Bayview

Residents and businesses on Bayview Ave. between Moore and Eglinton Aves. received notices today (Tuesday, August 20, 2013) that the city’s subcontractors will be repairing curbs and gutters on both sides of Bayview starting immediately and ending September 30, if the project is on time. Traffic will be reduced to one lane where the work is being done, with flag persons and police in attendance. Apparently driveways will be closed off for as much as two or three days as work is done.