World Vision’s whopper of a guilt trip

World Vision Canada’s “No Child Should Ever be for Sale” fundraising campaign is unfortunate. It is a simple-minded appeal that employs maximum guilt and zero context. Judge for yourself. Give them a donation. It may make a child’s life nicer. But it won’t change tribal conduct and endemic corruption. Above all, this whopper of a guilt trip is a terrible way for Canadians to relate to the issues of the undeveloped world.  And it makes people think that the TV spot is all about getting the donation. 

Easy Canada Day pickings at Welland and Moore

It was easy pickings again for 53 Division traffic officers as they ticketed cars for making the right turn at Welland Ave. and Moore Ave on Canada Day. As everyone knows, the 4 to 6 p.m. juncture applies Monday to Friday. However this bylaw is not about controlling traffic at the corner. This bylaw is about keeping people out of the neighborhood of Moore Park  In precise terms, it is there to stop rush-hour drivers from sneaking off Mt Pleasant Rd and up Carstowe Rd., along Maclennen Ave, Inglewood Dr.,  Garfield Ave. or Glenrose Ave. and out onto Moore via Welland. Okay, we get it.  But on a statutory holiday there is no rush hour. On a statutory holiday there are only hapless Sunday drivers with no intent to break the rules whatsoever.  But still the police choose to set up their rush-hour cheaters trap on Moore just to make a few easy bucks for the city. The Superintendent should think about this. He should seek advice. The presence of police at this intersection on a statutory holiday is a calculated finger to the public in general  It is careless behaviour that brings the police into disrepute.

Planters come in two and three tree sizes

Work continues on the in-ground tree planters along the east side of Bayview Ave.  Today workmen were installing dividers and supports for metal grating which, it is said, will surround the tree trunks and permit people passage across the planter. If this is the ultimate design, South  Bayviewites may be well pleased. The shorter rectangles like the one pictured in front of De La Mer will take two trees The longer type such as the one in front of Passion Fruit will take three.  This design, as it is described,  is certainly much more attractive than the tree planters on Yonge Street north of Eglinton which have curbs and are easy to trip on. We shall see. 

Poll shows 30 percent prefer burning garbage

There appears to be a growing acceptance to the modern concept of the Waste to Energy (WtoE) method of dealing with our garbage. Questions asked of Torontonians in a poll done by Forum Research indicate that more than one-third of respondents think this is the best way to get rid of garbage.  WtoE is a widely accepted method of garbage treatment around the world. Garbage is incinerated, creating heat and energy all at once. Modern filters make the incineration process cleaner than driving trucks to land fill. The poll suggests that this is more than three times the number who would continue to truck our refuse to land fill sites and bury it there. A revealing insight into this thorny issue is shown by the 30 percent of  respondents who said the city should do “something else” with its garbage.  This of course is no answer at all. Another 23 percent admitted they had no answer to this important challenge. All in all, the question of what to do with our garbage seems far more important than  whether there should be a Walmart near Kensington Market. That matter is the focus of all the news coverage today. The Walmart question is bone simple to answer, we note. Clearly, the garbage question is not bone simple. But it is a lot more important.

Rolling Stones triumph: “Night of Living Dead”

Mick looked ready for more, Keith looked in need of a warm malt drink: Glastonbury’s night of the living dead as Rolling Stones rock the festival — Mailonline

The Rolling Stones were wildly successful as they played the original British baby-boom festival at Glastonbury for the first time Saturday night. The Twitter joke about the aging hipsters was that the last time they wowed a English country gig was at Stonehenge in 2300 BC. The Mailonline devilishly called their performance The Night of the Living Dead, a reference to the age of the pushing 70s Mick Jagger and his getting-on-in-years band mates.

All 19 elite firefighters perish in galloping wildfire

They are all gone. All 19 members of the a specially trained “hotshot” crew who were trying to stop a galloping wildfire  threatening the town of Yarnell, Arizona have died. The men had  apparently been digging a fire line to try and halt the spread of the fire but found themselves trapped. They were forced to deploy their fire shelters – tent-like structures meant to shield them from flames and heat – but were nevertheless consumed by the blaze. It is the worst loss of life among firefighters battling a wildfire in the U.S. in decades

D-word leaves many straight people uneasy

Dykes on bikes. Dykes wearing spikes. Dykes with tykes — Toronto Star, June 30, 2013

It is, of course, none of any straight person’s business. But we must believe that well-meaning individuals of same sex preference will recognize that the celebration of the word Dyke makes many people quite uneasy.  “It’s as if the NAACP decided to insert the N-word into its title,” one woman has said.  “I just wish they didn’t have to use it.”  Sure, it’s only a word. And words can mean anything. Language changes. Especially English. For nearly a century however the word Dyke has been the most loathsome epithet that can be thrown at a woman of same sex preference. It is little wonder that attempts at its rehabilitation have left conscientious and well-meaning persons feeling as if they are acclimatizing to space. The most potent thrust toward the adoption of the word Dyke came from the motorcycle group Dykes on Bikes when it tried to apply for a trademark on the name.  The U.S. Trademark Office denied the application on the grounds that Dyke  was an offensive word.  In 2005, according to a Wikipedia posting, a prolonged court battle involving testimony on the word’s changing role in the Lesbian community, the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board permitted the group to register its name. The word continues to be used as a slur, notwithstanding its elevation to polite usage by some.  It seems likely that Dyke will  lead a double life for some time, used with both meanings by members of the community to which it refers and by society in general.  In the meantime, many will  find it hard to think of Toronto’s numerous dignified and accomplished same-sex women as Dykes. 

July 1 parade starts at East York Town Centre

A long standing and entertaining Canada Day parade from East York Town Centre, 45 Overlea Blvd will  go off  tomorrow (Monday, July 1, 2013). It winds its way to Stan Wadlow Park on Cosburn Ave. First up at 9.30 a.m. is a motorcade of  antique cars. This event will pay tribute to Gordon Hazzlett, author of several antique car books. Mr. Hazzlett was a long-standing member of the parade organizing committee who died earlier this year. At 10 a.m., the parade will pass Dieppe Park, 455 Cosburn Ave., where local groups will join in. As the parade passes the East York Civic Centre, 850 Coxwell Ave., the East York Legion and pipe bands will join, along with military vehicles. Guests can get a view of the parade from the reviewing stand in front of the fire station on Woodbine Avenue, just north of Mortimer Avenue. As usual there are other family events on hand at Wadlow Park. Sounds like fun. 

Talk host fired for telling listeners to go elsewhere

NewsTalk Unemployed

The egocentric business of  radio talk host encourages performers to push the limits. And, unless its an elaborate publicity stunt, it seems Alberta’s self-styled King of Talk Radio, Dave Rutherford, has gone too far. Rutherford has been fired from NewsTalk 770 in Southern Alberta for ripping a strip off the station’s owner, Corus Entertainment, for shutting down during the Calgary flooding. According to the National Post, NewsTalk 770 was one of  several Corus stations evacuated from its downtown headquarters as the Bow River started to rise on Friday. In the meantime, the station broadcast an Edmonton news feed, while still putting Calgary music stations on the air. The arrangement caused Mr Rutherford to launch a searing attack on his employer. “It is with profound disappointment that I have to tell you that Corus in Calgary has decided to direct resources in places other than information radio,”  the National Post quotes Mr. Rutherford as saying. “I would completely understand if you went elsewhere for your information.” The next day, says Mr Rutherford, he was kicked off the air but never really given a full explanation. His complaint that he was never told why seems a little arch. Anyone could tell him why, poor boy. This said, the South Bayview Bulldog thinks that Corus might have been smart to explain itself and give Rutherford another chance.  

Canada gives refuge to persecuted Christian girl

Reports Saturday say that Rimsha Masih, the Christian girl of Pakistani nationality who faced blasphemy charges in 2012, has successfully sought political asylum in Canada. A Pakistan TV outlet Geo TV says the Down Syndrome child has reached Canada. Her age is given variously as 12 and 14. The family is said to have made the journey to Canada arriving at a location in Toronto, according to Peter Bhatti, who runs a Christian organization that is helping them settle in Canada.  Bhatti says that Rimsha, her parents and her brother and sister had to leave Pakistan in order to have safe, secure lives, the CBC said.  Mr.Bhatti also said the girl and her family are “”thriving”” in their new Toronto home. Rimsha’s case became an international crusade to have her released when she was charged last year, because she was said to have  burned pages of the Holy Quran. The court had granted her bail and later blasphemy charges were dropped for want of evidence. Witnesses had told the judge that the cleric had given false evidence and framed the girl. For its part, the Immigration Department would not confirm  that Rimsha is in the country. A lawyer who represented Rimsha in Pakistan said that the girl and her family left Islamabad for Canada on March 14, 2013. He said the family had been forced to keep on the move for fear of the type of attack suffered by Malala Yousafzai, a young Pakistani woman who was hunted down by the Taliban and shot while on a school bus. Malala is now recovering from her wounds in the United Kingdom.

Yoga studio hinted for Millwood storefront

There is a “rented” sign on the little shop in the strip mall at Sutherland Drive and Millwood Road . Word along the mall has it that an enterprising person wishes to open a yoga studio  Incidentally, the stores at 899 Millwood are set in a magnificent blossoming of the White Lilac trees along the boulevard courtesy of the current tropical weather (picture). The fragrance is slightly intoxicating. It’s a fitting welcome to the new tenant and good news for residents who have seen the unit that formerly used to house Anna’s Spa papered over for at least a year.