Three Target stores open in Central Ontario

Lineup at a target store today

As posted yesterday, the forerunner Target stores in Milton, Fergus and Guelph have opened this morning with much concern about prices. The linked CTV story speculates about a “price war” because of the Target impact. The Comments on this story are fun to read as dizzy people worry about American imperialism and “human rights violations”  as a consequence of  Target opening in Canada. Woo. CTV

Bayview pothole adorned with detour arrows

News that the city’s pothole-repair program is underway will be good news for users of Bayview Avenue and other South Bayview roads. The polthole-sinkhole that opened up on Bayview just north of Millwood Road is now adorned with a huge “detour” sign with arrows pointing to  the centre lane for southbound traffic. No action on that one yet. But all up and down Bayview, Mt. Pleasant Rd. and Laird Drive there’s lots of work to do. The city says it will be doubling the number of staff fixing potholes to almost 100 (25-30 crews) over the next few weeks. During the last three years, the City of Toronto has repaired an average of 200,000 potholes per year. The City spends approximately $4 million per year to fix potholes. Residents are asked to call 311 to report potholes so that crews can be assigned to fix them. There are some ways to make it easier for the crew to fix a pothole. When you call, provide the precise location and street address if possible.  You are also asked to estimate the size of the pothole.   While city staff usually repair potholes within five days, requests are prioritized based on the amount of traffic on the road and the severity of the pothole

Toronto Star plans to out-source page production

The Toronto  Star will lay off 55 employees and is making plans to out-source what is known in the newspaper business as page production. This process involves the fabrication of the plates bearing the information from which the newspaper pages are printed. The layoffs come as no particular surprise with the Star, like newspapers everywhere, facing a revenue squeeze caused by the Internet revolution. Those who follow the economics of newspapers will understand that the flight of paid classified advertising to cyber platforms where it is published free, sinking subscription revenues and the many alternatives for display advertisers are threatening the very existence of large daily papers.  

Target opens in Guelph, Milton and Fergus

Target announced Monday afternoon that it will open three “pilot stores” in Ontario on Tuesday, March 5, 2013. They are at Stone Road in Guelph, Milton Mall Shopping Centre in Milton and Gates of Fergus in Fergus. The release said that the three pilot stores are the first Target locations to open in Canada, and the first of 124 Target stores that will open across the country throughout 2013. Target has said internally that the new store in the East York Town Centre will open Monday, March 25. That date appears to be firm, so far at least. 

Hockey poll says delay body check for kids

The annual report of the Rick Hansen Institute on youth health and safety contains a survey of more than 2000 hockey parents which finds that 67% of them would delay the introduction of body-checking until age 15 or older.
  • Two thirds of hockey parents (67%) and four-in-five hockey fans (79%) support delaying the introduction of body-checking until age 15 or older.
  •  Two thirds of parents (66%) and seven-in-ten fans (71%) support the idea of having youth only play others of the same age. (Currently, player ages can vary by as much as three years in some divisions).
  • One in six (16%) have considered moving their child to a non-body-checking league.
  • Only 17% think delaying body-checking will hinder their child—half (49%) believe it will make no difference and one-in-four (26%) think it will be helpful.
  •  And, only about 7% of respondents oppose enlarging rink sizes to international standards, which some say is another important way of reducing hockey related injuries. Read the full report from the Rick Hansen Institute

Gyro Hyundai takes shape at Laird and Industrial

The new home of Gyro Hyundai across the street from parent Gyro Mazda is taking shape at the corner of Laird Drive and Industrial Street. The  modern sales and service centre will add quite a nice “we’re-in-business” feeling to Laird Drive. South Bayviewites can only hope this Hyundai dealership is a harbinger of more new car business on Laird. East central Toronto is very poorly served by the automakers. Gyro Hyundai is said to be looking at an opening later this year.   Previous posts.

Deborah Coyne plans run in Mt. Pleasant riding

Admitted “intellectual”  Deborah Coyne is profiled here and drops the word that while she is running for leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, she also has plans to contest the new riding of Mt. Pleasant in the 2015 general election. Mt. Pleasant will extend west from Bayview Ave. and include Bennington Heights, which was formerly part of Don Valley West. It also would include Moore Park and Rosedale above Rosedale Valley Road. Ms. Coyne was asked in this long interview whether she found it awkward running against Justin Trudeau since her daughter is Mr. Trudeau’s half sister. She said no. She is  the author of a biography A Life Devoted to Building a Better Canada in which she touches on her relationship to former Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, and the daughter she had with him. Story

Garneau, Trudeau trade barbs in Halifax debate

The federal Liberal Party has held its second last leadership debate in Halifax with the front runners once again trading personal barbs. Marc Garneau worked his thesis that Justin Trudeau is full of platitudes with no substance. Trudeau says he is proud of his “positive” campaign and called Garneau negative. Observers seemed to feel that the the contenders generally ducked the big issues. Michael Den Tandt, writing for Postmedia, feels Trudeau has it locked and made the cheeky suggestion that if  Trudeau is ever elected Prime Minister he will behave somewhat like Stephen Harper. Said Den Tandt: “Neither Trudeau nor his people will concede this. But Grit economic policy in 2015 is liable to look something like Harper economic policy — save for tweaking and packaging. Why? Because red-meat rhetoric aside, Harper & Co. haven’t been much interested in bucking centrist public opinion, either. If popular sentiment leads policy, and sentiment is broadly centrist, then the “new” Liberal party’s policies will be broadly centrist, with a socially progressive inflection. It’s simple logic”.

Toronto summer camps registration this week

It’s time to sign up for Toronto-run summer camps  The municipal news release reminds us that these camps are an exciting, inexpensive and safe way for kids from three to 15 to have fun this summer. The release says: The registration dates for all four districts are: Etobicoke York District: Saturday, March 2 Scarborough District: Sunday, March 3 North York District: Tuesday, March 5 Toronto and York District: Wednesday, March 6. You can register online here beginning at 7 a.m. to midnight on the district’s registration date. Touch Tone Registration (TTR) is available from 7 a.m. to midnight. Call 416-338-0000 and follow the voice prompts. Operator assisted registration is available from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the initial registration day and from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the day following registration. Call 416-338-4386 (4FUN).