Hey Gloria, your barbecue awaits you

The spiffy barbecue on display outside COBS on South Bayview has been won by a customer named Gloria. At this writing (2.30 EDT) they were waiting for Gloria to check in to take the good-looking cooker home. To qualify, it was only necessary to buy a bun combo from COBS and then wait. The draw was made this morning at the bakery.

Hyundai station next! Hyundai is next!

“Next station Hyundai! Hyundai is next!” We forecast very few things here at the South Bayview Bulldog but simple prudence insists that someone try to imagine what it will be like when the TTC enacts its new policy of permitting corporations and institutions to name subway stations. They actually approved the plan just the other night. Will car makers get control of the PA system to urge commuters off the subway and into a comfortable Elantra? Some dreamers say Ryerson University should put its name on the Dundas Station. But can Ryerson pay? This is about money. The serious money will come from the banks. Who will be the first to grab the King Street stop? Or will the Five Sisters all have to go together — “Attention please: CIBC-BMO-Royal-Scotia-TD stop.” The consequences seem overwhelming. What if more money can be made by selling the name of the whole subway line? “Attention northbound Proctor and Gamble riders. There is a delay for track work at the Starbucks-Rosedale station. The track work is sponsored by Target.” And what if the TTC takes to selling names serially, like the theatres? We’re still looking for the Canon. Picture courtesy Yonge and Roxborough News

Pictures of “Operation Duck Family”

Here are a few more pictures taken by Leaside resident Terri Reid of what we are calling Operation Duck Family. The mother and six ducklings were discovered Saturday on Hanna Rd. near Parkhurst Blvd. fearlessly marching along the roadway, much as we see them in the shot at the top. A growing body of residents began a lengthy operation of trying to help the ducks out of what would surely be a dangerous situation for them. Someone struck upon trying to lure them into a dog cage with bits of bread. Lower left, the process begins. But as Ms Reid observed to the South Bayview Bulldog, it isn’t easy trying to capture a duck, especially when she has six little ones. The residents were successful however in getting the duck family into the cage, still complete with Fido’s bone (lower right). The ducks were then transported to Wilket Creek where they were set loose in their natural habitat. There is a picture of that and a link to Danielle Milley’s excellent story in the post below.

“Canada has the best banks in the world”

British financial analysts and politicians are full of cosy noises about what a sensational place is Canada. Right you are, old boy. A blog post by Liz Phillips of the Telegraph (London) casts this appreciation of our economy in the glow of the Royal Visit. But really, it’s a matter that is both complicated and simple. Complicated if bankers lose their heads. Simple if they don’t. In the end the first principle of banking is: Don’t lend to people who can never, ever pay you back. The second principle is, well, read the first principle.

Duck family rescued by Leaside residents

There is a a really charming story in InsideToronto.com about a mother duck and her six ducklings who were found on the street near Parkhurst Blvd. and Hanna Rd. As reported by Danielle Milley, various neighbors, including Terri Reid. banded together to rescue the ducks and see them safely placed into Wilket Creek. Over a period of time the growing neighborhood rescue team devised a plan to capture the duck family. They lured the creatures into a portable dog house with bits of bread. Then, on the advice of the Toronto Wildlife Centre they were transported in a family van to their natural habitat (above). Very lovely story with much decency reflecting on the resident rescuers. Picture Courtesy Terri Reid

Stoplight fix at Eglinton and Bayview

Eglinton and Bayview is a big, wide intimidating intersection. Add the hills and it’s downright obscure. But it was worse before city engineers fixed the westward-facing stoplights. The issue arose for eastbound motorists as they descended the hill toward Bayview. The west-facing stoplight just disappeared behind the east-facing light.The traffic wonks fixed this by placing an additional light for eastbound traffic on the back of the west facing light (inset). Believe it or not, this post is less confusing than trying to drive through the intersection without being able to see the traffic lights,.