Massive condo tower proposed to replace Bayview Car Wash

An application was submitted to propose the redevelopment of 1802 Bayview Avenue (at Roehampton Ave), the current location of the neighbourhood stalwart, Bayview Car Wash.

Gairloch Developments partnered with Harlo Capital submitted the re-zoning application on June 19th, 2023, and aim to construct a 46-storey mixed-use building. The ground level will house retail along Bayview Avenue, with 419 residential units in the tower. The plan includes two levels of underground parking with a total of 44 parking spaces. Access to the underground parking will be facilitated by a ramp from Badali Family Lane. Additionally, bicycle parking will be provided on the two underground levels as well as the mezzanine level.

While it’s true that the land is not being fully utilized, the loss of Bayview Car Wash will undoubtedly be a source of sorrow for the community.

The application includes a summary of other development proposals in the vicinity. Check out the photo above to see the impressive scale of these projects. It seems all these developers are optimistically assuming that the completion of the Eglinton Crosstown is not too far away. Uh huh.